Ok so I got a new plasma and a dvd surround system. I would like to know how I can hook it all up with a dvr and make it all work together. I got the surround to work with the tv but only for the dvd. Is it possible to make it work with both the dvr and the tv. If anyone answers please be desricptive as I don't know much about this stuff. I have lots of rca (guess that it what they are called) jacks. Only 2 sets on the dvr though. Please someone help.
The dvr is a motorola broadband media center or MOXI box as the cable company calls it. TV is a philips 42inch plasma it has AV1 AV2 and AV3. Surround/DVD is Panasonic SC-HT730. The dvr is my cable box.
Some day i'll figure out why people that buy plasma tv also buy HTIB pieces of @#$%. But on to your problem,you only have two audio inputs on the panasonic surround so your only choice is to send left and right audio (WHITE AND RED,RED BEING RIGHT) FROM YOUR MOTERILA BOX TO THE PANASONIC AUDIO INPUT. You will have to look at the panasonic to see how these inputs are labeled so you can then select that input on the front or remote control. Send any video out puts directly to plasma. Happy Listening.