To get a bug free Onkyo HT-S650 wait until the new
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factory production run beginning June 30th.
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Be sure the one you purchase was made after June 30th and is not an older model.
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I have purchased a Kenwood HTB-505 and it is a great sounding system and looks 100% better in my living room than the Onkyo would. These HT-S 650's are way overrated and way overpriced.
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The only thing the Kenwood has that is better than the Onkyo is:
1. Price ($200.00 cheaper) 2. Better looking 3. Sound 4. Features 5. More responsive support 6. Better quality 7. No defects and/or bugs
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My Kenwood HTB-205 is a teriffic system for my 14 x 20 foot room.
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Luckily, my lfe bug was fixed by replacement. I listened to all of these HTIB before I made my purchase. Even with the lfe bug, the Onkyo blew away all other HTIB, PERIOD. The problem is being handled and should be fixed by summer. I still would recommend the HTS 650 over every other HTIB system.
I agree with pietaster, I loved my Onk with the LFE bug. Now, since I was able to switch it with a new reciever at CC and the LFE is fixed, I love it even more. Maybe the Onk is not the sleekest looking system available, but what are you going to do, look at it or listen to it?? I also would like to say that I had no problem letting Onkyo know about the bug, I got a positive response from them and was even able to exchange my reciever (past the 30 day period) for a working one at CC. I suppose, to each their own... Scott
P.S. Why do all the people that say they don't like Onkyo post anonymously... just a thought
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How do I find out when my Onkyo receiver was produced? I bought it in mid-Sept, but cannot find a production date on the receiver. Also, I do have the LFE bug based on the THX optimizer test and will wait until Onkyo resolves this problem. I know Onkyo is currently working on the fix based on info from another HT forum.
I am very pleased with this HT system otherwise and certainly wouldn't recommend that anyone downgrade to another system. Thanks for any help
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well if youre happy paying for a reciever that doesnt support dd 5.1 then more power to you. when i first got the onkyo package, i was planning on upgrading the speakers then the reciever last, but now that i find out the recievers faulty, i dont know if i can trust the build of the receiver, i dont want to pay a couple thousand dollars on speakers, use em on a reciever that could fry the speakers eh? the lfe bug is pretty big, makes me wonder how many short cuts were taken to meet production during Christmass season, how many bugs or speaker inaccuracies are there that have yet to be found? i cant trust onkyo anymore, and from what ive been told, their reciever models previous to this one had major bugs too. this has me very concerned with their products quality.
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I was lucky and got mine fixed asap. Works amazing now. Not all of these units have been affected. It is being narrowed to x production runs. With this recvr fixed, IMHO, blows pretty much all of the competition away concerning HTIB. I'm a huge fan of Sony and Kenwood, have been for over 10 years. When I went to BB and CC to listen to them, they sounded like garbage. Whenever I go into these stores now, I like to go look at these again. Everytime, I walk away with a smile on my face knowing I made the right decision with the HTS650.
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pietaster how did you get it replaced? onkyo reps told me i could do nothing but read the faq and basically brushed me off. i was seriuosly upset after they told me this. so ive been trying to ask CC to replace my current onkyo reciever.
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Onkyo sales have dropped 50% to 60% in the past six months due to all of these problems.
Kenwoods and Sony's have increased 40% to 50%
End of story
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Last anonymous-please let me know the source of your sales statistics & why do you always post as anonymous???
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To Anonymous-Bullsh*t, I'd like to see the sales figures that says Onkyo went down 50% and Sony and Kenwood went up. That's the most regoddamndiculous thing I have ever heard. Onkyo blows away those two HTIB even with the LFE problem. Once it is fixed, nothing on the market will compare, excluding high end parts to mix and match.
To Meek- I lucked out having an extremely competent and generous salesman. I had been going to cc quite frequently talking to him about it and doing tests at home and at cc with the model. When I realized I had the bug, I called him. I explained to him everything, and he suggested I wait until a serial number range could be determined to ensure I didn't get another defective. I told him, the floor model works.He said come on by and I'll have my guys take it down for you. Now, some people have said, I'm not taking a floor model...blah, blah, blah. The recvr looks like brand new. No scratches, blemishes or any problems in the aesthetics area. Works like a charm. Maybe you should ask your sales guy if he and you are willing to trade for the floor model. I hope it gets resolved for you soon.
the infected one
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I asked CC if I could trade mine for the floor model .. I explained the problem with the LFE bug and they looked at me like I had three heads. I also noticed that their display model wasn't hooked up correctly. After hooking it up for them, running the THX Optimizer from Lilo and Stitch and using the coax input, I verified that this display unit was not defective. NO go. I bought mine back in August of 2002 and they basically said I couldn't do a swap. I'll just wait it out. Maybe I'll try a different CC.
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This is a wonderful receiver mated to very competent speakers and a terrific subwoofer. It's relatively easy to set up, and sounds terrific over all.
Unfortunately, some of these receivers seem to have a bug such that the Dolby Digital Low Frequency Effects channel (the ".1" of "5.1") is not output to the subwoofer. You might not notice because in the usual subwoofer mode, bass from the other channels is fed to the subwoofer, and sounds satisfactory if you don't know any better. But if you listen to the ship passing overhead in Attack of the Clones on one of the affected units after hearing it on a good Dolby 5.1 system, you'll know immediately that something's messed up. If you have not heard the scene on a system that outputs proper LFE, you might not notice.
Given that the system should probably sell for $800-1000 with 5.1 sound, you may decide that $500 for 5.0 is OK. Or you may get one without the bug. Who knows? I exchanged mine and got a second one with the bug.
This system should be sold as Dolby 5.0 and not 5.1 because it isn't.