I have been looking at some toshiba dvd players (3815)on line and they have all the bells and whistles, but they don't list that they have the deocoders on board.
I have a Yamaha 5550 receiver that has everything in it to do the decoding. Should that be enough to get great sound.
If you use your receivers decoding you will get great sound. Just hook the DVD players digital output( optical or coax) into the receivers digital input(optical or coax) to enjoy digital surround sound.
What exactly is "digital sound"? When you're hooking these things up don't you just connect the White, the Red, and the S-Video connection into the back of the TV - and that carries video + sound?
I'm guessing no!
So ... for digital sound you wouldn't use the Red or White cables, you would use Optical or Coaxial cable. Hmmm. Is there room for that on most TVs? I've got a Sony KPTW500 and I believe it does. But this is the first time I've heard of Digital Sound.
How would you go about hooking up Digital Surround Sound with the Onkyo HT-S755DVC, for example? (I guess any DVD System would apply). Would you hook the Optical/Coaxial line into the back of the Receiver/DVD Player and then into the Television? I guess that would make the most sense.
Sorry for asking such a Newby-ish question. And uh ... sorry to invade your post, Mike.
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To Mike: if the dvd player has optical and coaxial outputs, then it can output dts and dolby digital.
To William: 1) all dvd (digital video disc) and cd's produce digital sound. Things like cassette tapes, VHS, beta, vinyl records, etc are analog. 2) For surround sound, you use optical or coaxial, for stereo use white and red RCA. 3)If you have a receiver and speaker set-up, there's no need to hook up the optical or coaxial outs to the TV.
For Number 3, the reason is because the TV goes into the receiver and the sound comes out through the speakers. They're connected to the receiver also, and it's the *receiver* that's responsible for producing digital sound, ? I think I got it now...
Thanks W
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Are you saying that you output the TV sound to the receiver?
Yes, is this wrong? Technically I haven't hooked anything up yet because I haven't bought any of the equipment. But I want to get this stuff soon.
The TV goes plugs into the receiver. The receiver connects to the speakers and the sound is produced. All of the sound decoding happens through the receiver. In other words it's the receiver that's responsible for producing digital sound.
Is this right?
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New amplifier /recievers are capable of handling digital music inputs, either through direct wire called coax or by fiberoptics which is light powered.In addition to that you could plug the audio out of a record player, cassette tape player,VCR,or the outputs of a TV designated for out put to external amplifier.These are usally "RCA" pin plugs that have been around many years. Hope this helps.
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To William,
I too am a newbie to the audio world. But let me take a stab using some basic electronics principles here - audio and video transmitted by the cable TV system is received by your TV. this is read in AND decoded by your TV. when you hook the TV into the speaker, what i assume you are hooking up is the audio OUT of the TV into the (analog) audio IN of the receiver. this would then mean that the receiver is simply amplifying the sound for the speakers - it is NOT decoding: this has already been done by your television. unless your TV has a digital audio OUT. this might imply that the audio signal is separated from the video signal by the TV but is sent out of the TV undecoded.
I went ahead and ordered the Onkyo HT-755DVC last night. The man I spoke to on the phone told me that I should use RCA Red & White Composite wires from the Television into the Receiver, and that way the Receiver will be doing the decoding.
It sounds logical.
But what about my Digital Cable? Would it make sense to hook this up to the receiver also?
I guess I would keep the coaxial cables running into the Digital Cable Box and the Television, but route the sound through the Receiver.
Basically what I'm trying to do here is to get a sense of how all of this works *before* the system arrives, and that way, I'll have an easier time hooking everything together.
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To get surround sound from your TV with a digital box, I'm assuming you would use the optical or coaxil cable from the box to the receiver. Don't use the red and white. I don't have digital cable. Because of this, I have to use the red/white RCA wires that are connected from my tv to CD outlet on my Onkyo HTS 650( I don't understand why there isn't an AUX outlet on this model). I just flip the switch to cd when my tv is on to enjoy DPII. I'm going to end this with a question for someone. I have the Panasonic RP62S. This does not support DVD-Audio. I have the Onkyo HTS 650 for surround. Since the rcvr does the decoding, can I still listen to this format?
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Hi Ive have recently purchased the philips mx3800D home cinema system. I have connected the tv, dvd and sky through a scart splitter and its working fine. I have also connected the subwoofer to the dvd by an optical cable. I can get great sounds whilst watching a dvd, but the TV sound is only coming out of the TV speakers. Is there any way to get the benefit of the surround sound system and bass whilst watching the TV?