First of all let me apologize if these questions are totally ridiculous. I'm weeding my way through this stuff and really only know enough to be dangerous.
I just purchased a Yamaha HTR-5850 receiver, a Klipsch Quintet III speaker system and a Synergy SUB-10. I have it all up and running. My question is regarding the sub. What should I use as a guideline for setting the gain and the Lowpass settings? Also, what other general things should I be looking at, setting, etc. in order to maximize my surround experience? Any help at all is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Set the receiver's crossover to 80Hz and the sub's Xo to maximum. Set all speakers to produce equal SPL (volume) with the built in test tone from the receiver. After that it is your choice to make it sound however you want when you're reproducing intergalactic nuetron implosions.