i took in my receipt for the hts650 which i purchased a few weeks ago & a copy of the soundcity price which i printed from their online site. after the customer service guy talked with the store manager, i was told they will not credit me the difference since they do not have a store in wisconsin. i asked if i needed to box the whole system up when i return it because $65 is a huge difference. the store manager then came up and offered me a $50 gift card. i thought that was fair so i took him up on his offer. for those who live in milwaukee, it's the store on 76th in greenfield.
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I called Circuit City's 800 number and they stated their policy is that a bricks and mortar store must be within a 50 mile radius in order for them to price match. I called a CC retail store in Yonkers, NY to see if they would price match Sound City (44 miles away in Denville, NJ) and they first said no, then after telling them about the 50 mile radius rule, they said they would price match. However, I already ordered it from Sound City so I'm just waiting for it to arrive, rather than cancelling the order and shlepping into the store to get the unit. It's easier for the big box just to be shipped to me. I just hope I have no equipment problems!
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I'm in NJ and I had no problem PMing with Soundcity. The manager said they'd do it as long as Soundcity.com has a BM storefront in NJ...which they DO! I WAS prepared to THREATEN t return the whole thing (not really intending to, just wanting to force them to give me a better deal if they wouldn't PM Souncity). I figured they'd rather give me something to keep the system rather than having me return the whole thing...especially since I didn't BUY it at their store! Wella.
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Thought I would add my 2cents...Went to Circuit City in Northern CA last weekend to look at the Onkyo HTS-650 one last time before ordering it from soundcity.com and the sales guy asks if I want to buy the system. I explain that soundcity has a much better price and I don't expect him to match. He comes back 10 minutes later and matches the price. I still have to pay sales tax but I did get to take it home that day and can take it back to CC if something goes wrong. I am very happy with the purchase. It seems all Circuit Citys are different.
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I bought it from authorized dealer BestpriceAudiovideo.com The seller is wonderful -- I will buy again -- it is for 470$ no shipping no taxes -- the best deal with best service