Having trouble getting picture from HK DVD player to my TV with componant video. Running RGB cables from DVD player through receiver up to monitor. S-video and composite outputs are working. Any suggestions?
Hi there the DVD player needs to be set to RGB in the DVD video menu set-up for outputting the signal, and the two will not work S/video and RGB at the same time. RGB is good for image with less artefacts on the edges of colours like, if you where to put a video test card signal up on the screen and go though the settings from video composite to s/vide and RGB red green blue, you will see for your self the differences.
So go to menu, arr this why most people who don't read manuals and if they did they will understand a whole lot more of the components they are using.
So don't get me wrong I'm cool.
Ashley, and I'm totally British.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Already tried that as I am one of those people that read manuals.
Sorry if I'm not giving you much help hear, please, please go over it again.
Look I can only show you as much as I can if I was there maybe just maybe I'll have it done for you in next to no time, which video output are going to use totally which one are you going to nominate as the preferred choice of video source.
Also are you sure you're not over loading the video inputs on the TV monitor as one too many can lead to problems as I have encountered this before.
Try unplugging the video inputs to the TV monitor and go though it step by step again slowly and checking for anything in the video output chain source signals and loking over on the DVD menu settings.
Also the trouble you are having with the video output signal, when did this arise!
Recently or are you playing around with the DVD player to get a better video output signal as your source for the medium that you are using.
Unregistered guest
Posted on
Just took it out of the box. Check the output of the component portion by hooking it up directly to the TV and it works properly. Checked all the connections and they are all correct. Shut down the unit and restarted it to reset the system. No dice.
Well I'm at loss to throw you any more ideas, someone else may have the answer, I'm not totally out of ideas, but for now I have to pass the touch over to someone else.