I'm looking for a way to connect a TV, XBox, and Computer into the same audio system while at the same time keeping costs relatively low and saving as much space as I can.
Right now I've got an old Altec Lansing 4.1(?) system that I bought four years ago for 200 bucks; it has great sound but the subwoofer is friggin huge (id rather not deal with packing it for the next two years at Pitt). It's primarily for my computer but it can connect to the XBox through an 1/8" auxillary input on the sub. However, it does not connect to the tv ...
So i was thinking one of the shnazzy new 5.1 systems should do the trick, but I cant figure out from the specs on cnet or circuitcity.com whether those home audio systems will connect all three components.
I'm guessing I'm not the only kid in school on these forums, so if you've found a way to do this, id love to hear about it. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help!
oh yeah, and my dell has a soundblaster audigy 2 card that i dont think these speakers are taking advantage of, so id like to fix that too if possible. That's low priority though, ive been doing just fine with only a left and right channel working