Hi there. New to the board. I have the Onkyo 770 package (with the HT-520 speaker system I believe it's called ), but I'll be changing speakers to the HT-240's for the style factor and better clarity with dialogue. They are rated at 100 watts handling. Will I be ok using the 770 receiver which is rated at 120 watts per channel? Or will I blow them out or something. I'm obviously not very familar with such things. I'm going to sell the 520's. Thanks in advance.
I believe this or a similar question was asked and answered in another forum. Onkyo receivers are generally very clean. So you would probably blow you ear drums long before you reached a point of speaker damage. However, you should also consider the warranty implications. In the unlikely or remote event of damage, Onkyo might attempt to avoid warranty repair claiming speaker misuse.