Hello people, I'm interested on buying the HTS760. Would the HTS760 sound good in a room 18.5 long and 14 wide ? I'm impress on how many people loves this model that I'm willing ot give it a shot.
The second question is why Circuit City sells the HTs760 for 599.00 when Crutchfield and Onkyo sells the model for 500.00 ? The only reason I want to buy it at circuit city is for the return policy. The box is to heavy for me to ship it back to Cruthfield or Onkyo if I dont like how it sounds in my home. Shiping it back could be expensive because is a heavy box.
Would circuit city match the price of Crutchfield.
Thanks for the help
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Hello, Fry,s has the system Advertised for $447.00 This week.