My samsung 28" has 2 scart inputs however none of them support s-video. One of them supports RGB.
I wish to connect my pc to the tv. Currently it is connected with a component connection however the quality is very poor. I wish to upgrade to s-video (which is also supported by my video card).
What are the possible options to connect my pc to the tv. I thought of some vga to rgb or s-video to rgb :S.. (if they exist) Any suggestions pls?
I have another question related. I connected the same dvd player to two different tv's (obviosly at different times). A fully connected scart to scart cable was used. On the menu of the dvd i set it to output s-video via scart.
This same setup was used when connected to both tv's. However, on one tv the picture was fuzzy and hardly any color in it and on the other it was very clear however no color. What exactely is the difference and why did i get these results?
Bad news I'm afraid!
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Scart RGB is significantly lower quality than an S-Video source, which is why you got the poor image detail. If the TV can't accept an S-Video signal, its like trying to use a piece of plastic to write - it may work, but certainly not as well as a pencil!