Help on buying home theatre


New member
Username: Bp11139

Post Number: 6
Registered: Mar-05
SO my budget is like around 700$ I need the whole system. I would preffer a 7.1 system. Yet i want the best i can get for the buck. Ive been looking at 7.1 receivers. What does anyone think about Sony STRDE997B receiver? Last were speakers. Is it better to buy a package of speakers together or go buy like the front and rear speakers seperatly? The package i was looking at was SA -VE367. Any thoughts on these? I just need some advice on to get or some suggestions to get me on the right track. Thanks for any help!

New member
Username: Thalazy

San Ramon, California U.S.A

Post Number: 6
Registered: Feb-05
Sony is A lackluster comapny when it comes to audio, I hate to admit it but the qualty of the audio has gone down considerably. I would recommend Onkyo, or Yamaha for recievers. 7.1 is great but it's extremely costly most recivers i've seen that are 7.1 are around $500 like the Onkyo TX-SR602 which is $449.99 at Circuit city, and those are just the low end. It is best to customize the speakers so you can get the best possible sound, usually the speaker packages are pretty lackluster, and most people will tell you to upgrade certain speakers anyway. That will cost more that $700. To save you money, you might want to consider 6.1. I've seen a good reciever the Onkyo TX-sR502 for $269.00 at Circuit City. and as for a decent speaker package check out the Onkyo SKS-HT240 which you can buy at B&H for $299. that speaker package is gotten rave reviews, and most are happy with the sound from them and will be cheaper than piecing speakers together.. You can get a great reciever and speaer package for $600, it's not 7.1 but then again it's not over $1,000 which a decent 7.1 setup will cost you. Being that 7.1 doesn't really have that much support right now I would wait until 6.1 replaces the 5.1 in tems of availabilty and 7.1 becomes as popular as 6.1 is now, maybe by then we will see Dolby or DTS 7.1 decoders. With the amount you want to spend I would hold off on 7.1 until you have at least $1,000 or more.

New member
Username: Bp11139

Post Number: 8
Registered: Mar-05
Thanks for the input. But what are your thoughts on the Sony STRDE997B. It seems to me to be a decent 7.1 reciever? It says it has a 7.1 decoder too I think? What are your thoughts on that? ALso the speakers i mentioned? I could get probably get it all for around 700$. I mean it seems good to me? Thanks.. Here are the links for the two.. &tc=photo &tc=photo

New member
Username: Thalazy

San Ramon, California U.S.A

Post Number: 7
Registered: Feb-05
Here is a review on the sony STRDE997B drom CNET
At circuit city there are reviews for the speaker package.
Remember you get what you pay for, so don't expect too much for the price. The reciever has a laid back sound so if you want excellent sound quality you are not going to get it with the reciever. Sony Speakers are just plain awfull, but you could do worse. These seem okay but can be quite underwhelming if you want the total package. I would say to skip Sony brand products but if you feel comfortable with the reviews on these products then by all means go for it, and enjoy. Maybe you'll be satisfied with them, everyone has their own taste, I own the Onkyo Ht-S770 and people complain about the sound, I personally don't have any qualms about it so maybe it'll be the same for you.

New member
Username: Bp11139

Post Number: 9
Registered: Mar-05
Andrew, thanks for all the input your are giving me. As i read on, I am finding that sony makes some crap . So im off of the sony. The problem is that i recently moved from Washington state to Maui. I wouldnt be on here if i was still in WA because there they have every electronic store i owuld need to get help. But bein on Maui, there is NONE. So with that said im trying to do all my research on here an the internet and order everything online. Bad deal huh?

Anyways, last question. That package you have looks nice. Nice price too. I see around 450-500$. Can't complain on that. What are your feelings on Yamaha? I found a decent package the YHT-450. Seems pretty similar to your Onkyo Home theater system. What do you feel about comparing the two?

I really do not want to go through the hassel of buying each component seperatly. I have the lack of time to do that. A theater in a box would be greatly convient for me. Just the problem is that it seems like the quality is less in the box sets? Thanks for all your help man.


New member
Username: Thalazy

San Ramon, California U.S.A

Post Number: 8
Registered: Feb-05
Well at leat your in Hawaii, I love it there. Yamaha YHT-450 is a good package, it has recieved good ratings. I haven't heard the Yamaha YHT-450 so I cannot say myself. But one thing I know is the Onkyo Ht-S770 and seems to be the home theater of choice for these message boards. Either way you cant go wrong. But I can tell you that Onkyo 770 is truly an amazing value and sounds amazing. Here is a link to the message board on the Yamaha YHT-450 so you can read what owners of the system have to say.
You are right in the assumption that HTIB are less than stellar compared to individual components, but at least for the Onkyo it's sounds phenomenal, and is almost too good for a HTIB. I would reccomend that you purchase Monster speaker wire and a monster subwoofer cable it will improve the sound 10 fold, no matter what system you buy. Good luck and enjoy.

Bronze Member
Username: Bp11139

Post Number: 11
Registered: Mar-05
How about this, you come out and help my a s s with deciding on a system. Right now im so torn on systems. I have no freaking clue out here an no one here knows _ _ _ _ about home theater systems here.

Anyways what do you think the 770 compares to just the speaker packages with receiver seperatly. SKS-HT240 package? or the 520 package? I heard like the SKS-HT240 sounds better than the whole 770 package? What are your thoughts on that. Last thing what about JBL speaker packages? Do JBL make better speaker setups than Onkyo? Or what? SOrry for 20 questions but like i said im retarded about this stuff. Thanks man.

Oh yeah and about the wiring? I have a bunch of 12 gauge speaker wiring.. that good enough to improve my system... when i get it, if ever. HA. and also what ablou the subwoofer cable? I dont know where to go get a good sub cable. Thanks..

New member
Username: Thalazy

San Ramon, California U.S.A

Post Number: 9
Registered: Feb-05
The 770 is the way to go, you can get it online at for $399.00. The SKS-240 is a great system it's around $250-$400 online. JBl is pretty good from what I hear, but I personally cant say since I have yet to hear JBL myself. If simple is what you want The 770 has it all, and compared to the SKS-240 there isn't anything bad about either speaker set, and there is nothing spectacular abut the 240 except for it's look. Some even prefer the 770 speakers to the 240 (but some audiophiles think differently). The 770 is already put together so you don't have to mix and match. The 12 gauge should be fine as for a good sub cable you can check circuit, or you can get a Monster Cable MB300 SW-12
MonsterBass 300 Subwoofer Interconnect for $39.00
You cant go wrong either way. My advice if you want to keep it simple yet powerfull, the Onkyo Ht-S770 is the way to go. If you still want to mix and match try the Onkyo SKS-240 and The Onkyo SR-502 reciever which will run you about $600 for both. Hope this helps a little bit. I know it's not easy trying to figure this stuff out, but at least you are doing some research, that'll gurantee that you won't be buying crap.

Bronze Member
Username: Bp11139

Post Number: 12
Registered: Mar-05
Andrew, thanks for all the help you have given me. I am going to order the system today. Appreciate all the input you have given. Last is, once i get the system I know everyone tweaks it out for the best performance. What settings will I need to change. Or what do you have all your settings at? Thanks...

Bronze Member
Username: Bp11139

Post Number: 13
Registered: Mar-05
damn, ok, I just went on the Onkyo website to check things out. I found a system I havnt heard of or seen any talk on here about. Maybe you could help me out and give any insight on the HT-S870 system? It looks awesome. From the sounds of it, it has more power than the 770. You know anything on this Andrew? Thanks..

Bronze Member
Username: Thalazy

San Ramon, California U.S.A

Post Number: 12
Registered: Feb-05
Yeah The 870 is a THX certified system, it's pretty similar to the 770 except for the THX certification. I cannot commnent on how it sounds, but I would check to see if you can find any reviews for it before I purchase it. As far was power it it eactly the same as the 770. 130 watts per speaker and 220 watt sub, the difference is the THX certification.

Bronze Member
Username: Thalazy

San Ramon, California U.S.A

Post Number: 13
Registered: Feb-05
Check out this link
it has some reviews on the 870 and compares it to the 770.

Bronze Member
Username: Thalazy

San Ramon, California U.S.A

Post Number: 14
Registered: Feb-05
As far as tweaking the system if and when you buy it or the 870. check out this link
it should help you, I am not yet gotten the sound they way I want it so I currently have it on it's default settings. Hope that helps.

Bronze Member
Username: Bp11139

Post Number: 15
Registered: Mar-05
Alright from the research Ive seen is that the 870's receiver is THX certified but no the speakers. So thast out. Now I have the damn credit card in my hand. Its a tossup of going with the 770 or going with the SKS-HT240 speaker package. Im getting mixed info that the 240 sounds a great deal better than the 770. Have you ever heard the 240 perform? I am looking to mostly do just movies on this system. I see that the 770 will cost me around 500$. The 240 set up will set me around 600 with the TX-sR502 receiver. Which i beleive is a good reciever to go with it, please correct me if i am wrong.

I just do not know waht to choose. I could care less about the looks of the speakers, i just want the performance. Is the advantages of the 240 just the sleeker nicer look? thanks...

Bronze Member
Username: Thalazy

San Ramon, California U.S.A

Post Number: 15
Registered: Feb-05
The 240 looks much sleeker, and performence wise I heard the 240 sounds softer than the 770 speakers. I would go with the 770 and use the extra money to buy Monster cables for the Sub and you'll be set. I haven't heard the 240's myself.

Bronze Member
Username: Bp11139

Post Number: 16
Registered: Mar-05
Thanks andrew for everything. I am at the website looking at the 770. I dont get it. They have the black 770 for 499 and then the silver for 399. Is there a diff price just because of the color or is there something else I am not seeing? thanks.. =&submit.x=0&submit.y=0

Bronze Member
Username: Thalazy

San Ramon, California U.S.A

Post Number: 16
Registered: Feb-05
The 240 features 100 watts x 6 speakers and a 8 inch 150 watt sub. The 770 speakers include 130 watts x 6 speakers and a 10 inch 220 watt sub. hope that helps.

Bronze Member
Username: Thalazy

San Ramon, California U.S.A

Post Number: 17
Registered: Feb-05
The only difference is color between the two. I bought it at frys and they had both the silver and black for $399. If you want black you can call and see why that is and maybe they will sell it to you for that price (or e-mail them).

Bronze Member
Username: Thalazy

San Ramon, California U.S.A

Post Number: 18
Registered: Feb-05
Perhaps the silver isn't moving so they lowered the price to get rid of it. That's ridiculous to have the same product for two different prices.
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