Paradigm or Axiom


New member
Username: Tim7

Chicago, Illinios U.S.A.

Post Number: 1
Registered: Feb-05
I have Paradigm Mini Monitors as well as their CC370 and PDR10 sub with a Pioneer Elite VSX-54tx receiver and am thinking of upgrading my Mini Monitors to Monitor 9's or 11's. I've read that the Axiom Speakers out perform the Paradigm's on the Axiom Forum, is this true? If so, I would be interested in their M60ti's I read they are the equivilent of the Paradigm Studio 60 and 100's.

Thank You,

Gold Member
Username: Project6

Post Number: 2801
Registered: Dec-03
Paradigm and Axiom will have their differences but I wouldn't make a claim of one being better than the other. It is a matter of personal choice and you must give yourself the benefit of listening to both in order to make a decision. We use the word laid back, warm, bright, etc...but they are really useless to anyone who has not personally listened to the speakers. Paradigm forums and Axiom forums will have their bias, so take that into consideration. You have your Paradigm fans and Axiom fans. Which are you going to be?:-)


Silver Member
Username: Gavincumm

Post Number: 110
Registered: Feb-05
personally, I don't like the axiom like of speakers. I find them too bright. However, on your Elite, they may be ok.

However, I LOVE Paradigm!!!!!!!! nice and smooth sound all around. nothing is offensive.

kar kar snoodies
Unregistered guest
i could be wrong but arent the paradigms way more expensive?

Silver Member
Username: Gavincumm

Post Number: 125
Registered: Feb-05
not at all! You can get an entry level tower called the esprit for a little over $400 that sounds great!

The signature series is where things get expensive, $2000 for a monitor. However, these will give electrostatic speakers a run for the money in realism, smoothness, and detail. This isnt something I like to admit a whole lot, because I am particurlary fond of ESL's.
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