I am trying to find out if there is a difference between these two recievers or not. I have read else where on these board that they are the same unit, except for the sleep timer. But the literature I get from Onkyo's web site seems to say they are different recievers. Does any body know if this is true or not? I am trying to decide if I should buy the SR500 and start off with a nice set of Paradigm speakers and build from there, or if the HTS650 has a better reciever go that route and upgrade the speakers at a latter date. Any and all information would be greatly appriciated. Thanks.
I ordered the HTS650 and a DVCP500 5 disc changer from soundcity.com when they were on sell a few days ago. Havent gotten it in yet. The receivers do appear to look the same but the receiver that comes with the HTS650 is 2.7lbs heavier if that means anything to you.
Posted on
The receiver that comes with the HTS650 is the same as the SR500, it's just labelled differently because it comes as a package deal.
If you're hot to get into a full home theater now, now, now, the HT-S650 is a great entry level system. The receiver in the package goes for $300 sold separately so you're getting 5 speakers and a sub for $200. Get it, then over time replace the speakers if you really want to. After hearing the system, you may not want to.
I gotta tell you, I've got the HT-S650 and the sound quality is better than I ever imagined a system this cheap would be. It's no paradigm set, but it is pretty amazing for the price.
My only complaint about the whole system so far is the headphone jack on the receiver is not very good. There is a fair amount of hiss (I've got good Sennheiser headphones that I was used to listening to on my older Yamaha bookshelf system which had an excellent headphone jack with zero hiss). I may actually get a headphone amp at some point for late night movie watching.
Nick Maloley
Posted on
Thanks for the info po. Do you know if the HT-650 actually has a higher power output rating at 8 ohms? The specs on their web site rate the HT-650 at 100w/ch but this is at 8 ohm, 1 kHz, FTC, where as the SR500 is rated at 65w/ch at 8 ohm, 20 Hz- 20 kHz, FTC. Why don't they list the specs the same, that is so irritating. I guess I would rather get the HT-650 if in fact it does have a higher output rating, that way when I do upgrade the speakers I'll have more flexability. And I really must own the Paradigms, my brother has a set with an older Onkyo system and those things absolutly rock. Excellent bass and pure clairity, the things just keep getting louder no matter how high you turn it up. Pure bliss.
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How can you state that both of these receivers are the same. Because the front panels look the same? How do you account for the difference in weights and the different power ratings?
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Specs, even on vendor websites can be inaccurate. If anything, the receiver that comes with the HT-S650 says it has higher power output. I find that hard to believe. The face plates are identical, the rear panel is identical, the dimensions are identical, the feature list is identical. Unless they're hiding cruddy old components inside which is fairly unlikely given that the feature list is the same, these are the same receiver. For whatever reason, the weights are listed as different in the specs. Who knows why? Two different people on two separate days spec'ing the components come up with different measurements. It wouldn't be the first time.
That's my guess at least. Also the guy at Circuit City told me they were the same (for what that's worth, which might be nothing).
Bob Hills
Posted on
I too am looking at the differences between these two systems and noticed that there is 24 months warranty on the TX-SR500 versus 12 months for the HTS650 from CC. Whether you can read something into those figures I don't know but if you look at the price for the extended warranties it would appear as though CC (or their insurance company) would deem the TX-SR500 more reliable.
Just a thought....
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Or is the shortened warranty on the 650 because it has speakers as well as the receiver?
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I work at Staples and am very familiar with how our warranty as well as competitors work. The price you pay for a warranty isnt equipment specific, its price point specific. For example you spend say 0-99.99 your warranty cost X ammount. 100-299 a new price. Sometimes prices fall right on the start of the new price point and it seems expensive for the extended warranty and sometimes it seems pretty reasonable. BTW as far as I know they arent actual Onkyo warranties but a Warranty company that actualy handles replacement of anything electronic the store sells a service plan on. I bought the Onkyo DVCP-500 and hts-650. The 650 will be here Monday. I too am curious about the reciever I think I will email Onkyo now.