I'm looking to replace an old DVD player and only spend around $200. I have an Integra receiver that supports DTS, THX cetified, etc. so I need a player that has enough outputs/inputs to allow me to maximize my receiver, surround speakers, etc. Any suggestions? If it was black it would be a bonus since my wife will freak if I have to add a silver component to our all black rack and components! Thanks alot.
Thanks--I've heard the 578 is excelllent for the money. I am also considering these if anyone has any suggestions or experience with them: Yamaha DV-C6760 $179 Onkyo DV-CP702 $179 Denon 1710 or 1910 $149 or $249 Thank you all for the expertise.
I bought the Samsung DVDHD841 for $179 at circuitcity, It comes with a DVI cable and It will convert all your DVD to HDTV. The picture you get is great!! Plus it's under $200