I am kinda new to this whole home theater thing and have a system for one room already and was thinking of another system for my bedroom. Wanted some feedback on my selection. Hate to speak to sales people so I thought I would ask real knowledgable people. Here goes..
Room dementions 12 x 17
Integra DTR 5.5 Reciever Integra dps 6.5 DVD Player Aperion System A (Powerhouse) with 10" sub Sharp Aquios 26" lc26gd6u Dvd Recorder? (no hard drive)(None selected yet) VCR I have a Sony, Mostly for Large library
Any Veiws Guys?
You can E-mail me if you like or just make a post. Thanks.. John
Nice selection. I like everything except for the Sharp Aquos, I have that TV and I am not too impressed with its black levels, great for the bedroom but not for reference levels. I would also go with a different sub, again I am not too impressed with the Aperion sub...too boomy and the JBL 10" sub that I compared it with sounds better and more solid. I would get a HSU or SVS in place of the sub. Others will disagree with my opinion, but this is just my preference and my experience, have you listened to any of these?
Posted on
sound like a good candidate for a new generation FRONT PROJECTOR LCD, the newly released (and most highly acclaimed) Panasonic PT AE-700U priced at $2200 produces a picture (e.g 92 inch) way beyond any normal HI DEF. Screens are less than $200 or even no cost onto a white wall, and it can be table mounted easily.
I thank you so very much for your response. To tell you the truth, I was also wondering about the sub but was not quite sure what direction to go although Outlaw had crossed my mind, and I was also wondering about Boston Acoustics. Then I read an entire post about the Epic 60 series. I have not heard the ones you refer to however am open as I am really in no rush, as Haste makes waste. My bedroom system now in a word stinks ( I have better words but will be a gentleman). The problem with listening to them in a store is that the conditions are usually perfect and they play them with the idea AV which is not usually the case at home. My bedroom is a dead room with carpeting and fabric. I am happy that you told me about the sub because I hate aggressive subs. The other thing is that speakers really need to "break in" before they really sound great as was the case with my other system. "very similar to this one but an entirely different set of circumstances". As far as the Aquios goes, Right now I have a flat panel Ctr from Panosonic which actually has a great picture. It is in a custom made unit. The aquios 26" fits perfectly into the unit with 7/16ths to spare LOL According to the specs. I have read that none of the Lcd or plasmas have great blacks so I may just hold off on the monitor for now. I really thank you again for your direction and advice. I like to listen to anyone but a sales person..LOL.. Thanks again.. John