Anonymous | They are now in Phoenix, my wife got stopped by a Jeep in a bank parking lot, got a pair of guys who were very friendly, said the truck dropped off eight sets (four more than they needed) and had to get rid of them before the boss found out. Paid $120.00 US for the 800 watt home theater system. |
God's Son Unregistered guest | JJ, i've tried emailing you twice, but your email address is invalid. Please post a working one. |
HAPPY CAMPER Unregistered guest | Beers and doobage to the guy in the marroon vanthat sold me the 1500's.They sound great!!St. Louis MO. |
Mindy Fishman Unregistered guest | I just don't understand ! I got mine (pair of TR- 1500's) from a red blazer in NJ..... even had polo shirts from a local Hi end Home Theater Store.I KNEW it was scam of one sort or another, i.e. missing componets,a cheap knock off of a superior designed product.But, I bit the bullet and pays my money. I LOVE my speakers (especially for $200.00) The frequency separation alone is worth the price of admission. I have a Sony componet system with all ES equipment. I use 2 TAN 9000 ES amps with a TAE 9000 ES pre amp to drive these speakers and they take the heat. Sound is much better (cleaner and much more vibrant) than with the Sony front speakers that came with the rack. (Talk about rare..... I have never met a Sony employee who has ever even seen another set of these speakers.) Also,what about the supposed story in the Robb Report about how good these speakers are ? I don't get it. I must really not get it because I just bought a pair of TR 2800 and the TR-2801 from a dealer on E-Bay for $500.00. If they perform as well as the TR-1500's I have, this is a major score. Chinese knock offs ???? Well, the box alone is a major clue..... definitely a Far Eastern 4 color printing job. |
ezt Unregistered guest | I was approached yesterday in the parking lot by 2 guys in a Tacoma selling the TR-8010 home theater system. I knew it was some sort of a scam, I mean what legit business sells out of the back of a truck? I got the same story about extras and if they brought them back to their boss, he would just take them home. Thay wanted $300-$400, but I talked them down to $120 eventually. I feel I got a great deal because they sound really good. If you pay the full price they ask, that is your own fault and you deserve to get scammed. I would definitely buy another set for what I paid. Thanks. |
Unregistered guest | hey i just got some of those speakers. the guys followed me to my apartment and told me the same exact stories that i am hearing from everyone else, overload and he had to get rid of them before he met up with his boss. i said no multiple times.but he kept insisting and i finnaly gave in. so i got my credit card and went to the bank with him and gave him $200. afterword i knew i had gotten scammed. so i got the guys license plate #. but i dont know if i should call the cops cuz i dont want them to take the speakers, then i will be out 2 speakers and $200 dollars. does anyone have any ideas? please send me an email thanks |
Anonymous | I live in Spokane WA and would love a pair of the 1100 or the 2800's so if you ever plan on making it Spokane WA then let me know... I am buying within the end of the month and would really like these prices... |
Anonymous | I'm intentionally buying a pair of these the TR-2800 model and I'll test them out. (Ebay dealer, $150.00 for the pair) I figure running a sweep generator on the drivers and taking some photos+ measurements of the interior of the cabinets will tell me if they were actually designed or just slap-togethers to sucker fools. Cince nobody her that owns them are interested in taking any pictures of the inside/backs of the drivers (Or close-up's of components for that matter) I'm guessing that most here are not very technical at audio or skilled at speaker design at all. |
New member Username: UmbertoPost Number: 3 Registered: 12-2003 | STOP POSTING CRAP YALL.uh,you people make me seek,that's enough man,I have a pair of 0212 and a set of 8200 and they are just awsome ,everybody knows that,i don't know what you talkin about???!!!!so stop wasting your time by posting all of these bull craps on this speakers have ability to blow my house,even I've got noticed from the police twice because of them,i don't know about yours.but for God sake stop this,this'made me seek and tired realy.So go,shut up and just have fun with them. they'r the best for their price cuz I bought a couple of 0212 and a set of 8200 for 500 bucks of Canadian and I know it's the best deal i've done in my life, so have you all. |
Jack Astor Unregistered guest | the guy who sold me the 0212 s, was a fu*ckin moron.I bought a pair of 0212 for $200 canadian![]() they realy kick a*s*s,yeah babyyyyyyy |
nuunun Unregistered guest | Dallas Tx, TR1500 for sell. I paid $150 |
Anonymous | I want to sell them...posted 1.27.04 |
Anonymous | You can go to public Data. com and look up the Lic plate #. It gives Drivers Lic #, Address, etc. |
Unregistered guest | I'm not sure what the huge deal is, I bought a set of onkyo surrounds at $$@$% in sacramento and after 9 months two of the crappy satellites burned out and the receiver stopped working in all dolby modes. Two months after I decided to get rid of it (thank you ebay) I was gleefully "fooled" by the silver/white van scam as you all call it. I gave the guy 350 bucks for a TR-8000 setup with a powered sub that my onkyo system couldnt hold a candle to!!! Let me be the first to tell you, I saw, I touched, I liked, I bought, I'm a grown up who can make my own decisions and live with em without blaming the "brilliant salesman"... It sucks that their arent more guys out there who will "man up" and admit that although they own something that was in fact a scam... They actually like what they bought, even if their "peers" dont think it was a wise investment. The truth is, Bose are plastic, kenwood is crap, klipsch and polk are damn good, but who wants to shell out 4000 dollars for a total system. Not ME!!! But my best friend did at tax time and even he admits that my "scam speakers" run a damn close second to his "entire income tax refund" polk audio surround!!! |
stereonub Unregistered guest | Bought a set of tr-8010's today. I'll gladly part with them after reading this any of you guys want another set drop me an email at I'm not looking to make any money here so i'd let them go for probably half of what i paid. Damn it I should be smarter than this. |
quagmire Unregistered guest | same story, but a ford excursion, nj liscense PRR-D0J. now for one thing, were not all buying the same setups, so it may depend on what you got. i got a tr-8010, 4 satelites, one center, one powered sub. i paid $220, which is actually a fair deal. they are of intermediate quality, and if your not a major audiophile, these things will do great. shifty practice though. btw, class action lawsuit? hundreds of people who bought stereo equipment from a van in a parking lot? i think the jury has already sentenced us with money served. |
kenny c Unregistered guest | today my buddy just bought the tr-1110 and he is telling me what a good deal it was.but i told him it sound to good to be he brought it over to my home and we compared it to my bose system.big difference in quality.i have the bose tower speakers and you can hear the if some of you say they are awesome speakers,you are comparing them with your cheaper speakers. |
JohnWaits Unregistered guest | Nashville TN Feb 4 White van with "Country" on rear license plate. Appears to be a rental. 2 white, clean-cut guys. Beware. And yes, they got me - $300 for a TR6100 system. John |
New member Username: MadziuPost Number: 1 Registered: 02-2004 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Same story of the white van, I knew he was lying that his boss told him to sell them for cheap, because they were over stock. They are not stolen either, that's just how they run their business. But I am satisfied with my purchase. they are worth every penny as long as you didn't pay over $150.00 for TR speakers (I bought TR1100 "they sound really good" at least mine) They easily rival those more expensive speakers. If you are aproached in a parking lot and you need home speakers don't pay them more than $150 or $200 deppending. and make sure you have a decent receiver to play them and good cable. Ignore the retail price of $1999.00. it's not true. they hope you say I'll give $500.00 even then still a good price for what they are, but they cost a lot less. if you pay 150-200 they make some bucks to pay for the gas they use when they go from parking lot to parking lot.if you pay less good for you! As a rule speakers in general have huge margins of profit sometimes 300-500%. I know this because I used to sell audio equipment at a retail store. My friends want to buy mine, but I won't sell them until I find the guys from the van for another pair. anyone selling them in Oregon? let me know |
Anonymous | Canyon Audio is an authorized rep for these speakers. It looks like they're doing it the right way by offering decent prices, a money back guarantee and a sales receipt. You can find them on the Internet at I just bought a set from them and I'm pretty happy with their service. |
driven Unregistered guest | is probably a bullsh!t front to pathetically try to offer some legitimacy to their brand, just like those "Audio Magazines" those white van f@cks carry with them. |
jojo Unregistered guest | i have the tr 1100 speakers if anyone's interested. email: |
A nony mouse Unregistered guest | While living in San Francisco in 1989 I was cruising down the highway at 55mph with my girlfriend. This white van pulled up next to me and started commenting on my car. I thought nothing of it as I always got compliments on it. Next they ask if I'd like to look at some speakers they had in the back. I was only 19 at the time and didn't know about this scam. None-the-less I had someplace to be and needed to get there. I told them no thanks and proceeded to speed up. The matched my speed and told me that they were really expensive speakers but would sell them to me for half off. Again they received a no thanks from me and I crept up to 80mph. Again they matched my speed. They just weren't giving up. Finally I said I just don't have time and to leave me the F*&! alone. Well they didn't like that and pretended to try and run me off the road by crossing over into my lane momentarily and missing my front left fender by inches. It scared the crap out of me. I hit the brakes and got off the closest exit. The "White Van guys" are schmucks and shouldn't even be given the time of day. |
Unregistered guest | Does anyone have the TR-2800. I'm curious on the quality of these speakers from someone that has actually heard them. |
Unregistered guest | I would like to know if someone is willing to sell me 1 tr-0212 i would give 100$ can |
Unregistered guest | I have just come upon this forum and was very interested in the topic. To my knoweldge, Theater Research was formally under the name "Dogg Digital". Company information is listed on their website: or on the consumer electronics site at I have been looking at their products for quite some time but have yet to purschase anything. I'll stop by again to see how everyone is doing. |
Unregistered guest | I also just stumbled upon this forum and this whole topic, after finding what seemed to be a reputable seller on ebay (with many positive feedbacks) selling lots of systems made by this theater research company. The bottom line to this whole thing is, are these speakers any good? Are they $1000 good for $250? Of course they're not expected to sound like $2000 speakers, but jeez, this stuff is pretty cheap, and they look cool. Has anyone actually TRIED the speakers out that they bought? I just don't understand why there have been 300 posts about white trash guys driving white vans and selling these speakers out of the back. WHy does everyone feel so ripped off??? That's what I'm finding hard to understand after reading all these stories. Aren't you getting extremely good deals on speakers for $250 that would cost $2000 if made by JBL? I don't understand this whole thread. Are the speakers good or not? White van or not, are they worth buying for such a good price? WHy such a focus on the white van guys? They seem to be doing a favor, the way I've read this so far. Unless eveyrone is saying their speakers sound like cardboard and are blowing out after 2 weeks, what's the problem? Why not a focus on the sound quality of the speakers vs. the dollars paid for them, in comparison to ripoff JBL's. Paying $2000 for JBL's seems more like a ripoff to me than all of the stories I've read above. Thanks very much in advance for any help anyone could give. I'd really appreciate some insight into how this company's products truly sound and hold up against some of the more name brand speakers out there. I'd like to give a set of these a shot on ebay, and I really don't see why such a fuss has been made on all the previous threads. Please write here or to my email with any advice you can give. White vans or not, I'm interested in these speakers!! ;) Thanks, Brian |
brian Unregistered guest | damnit, forgot my email in my above rant and request for advice!! Thanks, Brian |
Silver Member Username: Project6Post Number: 298 Registered: 12-2003 | check this first |
Unregistered guest | Berny, not the same brand, a different scam altogether. I spent $460 for five TR speakers on ebay, and don't regret it at all. All you people complaining need to actually LISTEN to these speakers first. I have them hooked to my Onkyo Dolby Digital EX 6.1 system, and they sound awesome. Better than the JBL satellites I used to have. The construction is top notch, they are very sturdy, and look execellent. Don't knock em' until you try em'. |
Casey Unregistered guest | btw, if someone has a single tr-2801 that they would sell to me (the center channel or satellite would work), i need it for my rear center channel. email me at Thanks |
Silver Member Username: Project6Post Number: 300 Registered: 12-2003 | that is the beauty of doesn't have to be the same brand. Slap a new name on it and you can go on forever thinking they are a different company. But hey, it is your money. |
Anonymous | Got approach in SHERBROOKE, Canada, they were in a BIG Dark-Green YUKON ! Got caught, paid 300$ CND for 2 TR-110 |
Anonymous | My husband paid $100 for the 5.1 Pro Series III in the parking lot of a grocery store. They look really nice but we havent hooked them up to hear the sound. I figure, its only a hundred bucks. I'm not expecting too much. For the rest of you, you should have known it was a scam or hot merchandise...why else would they be rushing you in a parking lot from a van that was loaded with electronics equipment? Next time, go with what your gut tells you. If you are not willing to accapt the risk, you shouldnt be investing. |
Joe Schmo Unregistered guest | My friend bought the TR-601 Home Theater System for $200 and is wanting to sell it to me for ANY profit (He wants $400, but I figure about $300). Any word on how this system sounds? Is it worth $300? |
Silver Member Username: Project6Post Number: 318 Registered: Dec-03 | no, it is not worth $300...try $50. Some of these garbage is not even shielded made with cheap paper drivers you can find in cheap factory car speakers |
Anonymous | I bought a TR-8000 off Ebay for App 90 including shipping and it was worth it. I have them hooked up to an older Pioneer, but I can crank it up to almost full volume with no distortion. Looking at the link Berny supplied from "wsbtv" above they are worth anywhere between 150-200 don't let him make a profit unless it's 200.01. THEY ARE NOT worth 300, so don't give it to him. |
Unregistered guest | Anyone have any connections for getting TR-1610's in the Southern California, Inland Empire area. Looking to pickup and save on shipping... Thanks |
Bronze Member Username: OkiecaverOklahoma City, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 14 Registered: Feb-04 | Folks, These things are all over eBay! With China achieving MFN status they are pouring in. However, they have always been here, just marketed under US or Japanese brands. So far as I'm concerned, it's just retribution for the Jap and US companies selling their best made in the US stuff in Europe and Japan and treating the American consumer like a moron. So, if you like the sound, like the look, and are willing to take the chance, go for it. If you want something a bit more upscale but still good prices, try these guys. Brock |
donkey Unregistered guest | just bought som tr900 sound cool but what the hell do i need them for? *#@!! if i see your red expedition anywhere in so cal ill take a #@!*ing bat to your windshield! Florida liscense plate w56 ZIT fitting you kooks looked like a couple of zits! |
tomrdipshit Unregistered guest | Why did you bother buying them if you didn't need them? |
Bronze Member Username: OkiecaverOklahoma City, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 15 Registered: Feb-04 | Ok, bad spelling and phony hip-hop and gangsta speak aside, the point is not whether they are good speakers or no, it's that they are marketed illegally. I work for the state government and part of my salary of comes from sales tax. That alone is Tax Fraud and those who buy from these guys are participating in that. The above link is to our local crusading reporter. Included are interviews with customers who found their speakers consisted of cheap phone and pa drivers. The local office was unlicensed and locked up. As for the finish, the so-called piano lacquer is actually cheap plastic laminate. Reputable companies, even those in China, will talk about what research went into their product, will publish specs and submit their product to independent tests. TR has done none of that that I can see. If you want to play 200 bucks for an HT system go to companies like Fluance, Sekei, Jensen, etc. There you get a real warranty, real contacts, and a Bricks and Mortar store you can actually visit. Finally, White Van Guys. If you own one of these vaunted TR2800 systems, do us a favor. Take them to a local audio shop and have them tested, then publish the report here. PROVE these are just as good as KEF, Polk, NHT or others. peace Brock |
F360 Pilot Unregistered guest | SCAM = Ordering speakers online, no getting them, and finding out the company disapeared into thin air. Sales Pitch = HEY! These speakers are HOT!..... HEY! 2k$ speakers for 200$!!!! If you are so shallow that you think 200$ speakers are not good enough for your pretty little ears, you need to be smacked up side the head! There are people out there who can't afford a pot to piss in! If TR makes a 200$ speaker and sells it for 200$, then thats just fine, if they want to say the retail is 2k$, that is fine also. Go into your local HiFi shop, see those 2k$ Focals, etc... If you think they are not marked up 800% your fooling yourself! I have been in the import business for over 20 years, I can tell you that Bose is the biggest rip off of them all, a 500$ bose model cost less than 50$ to make, yet the retail is 700$ and streets out at 500$. Uh yeah, anyone here buying bose gets not only scammed, but OWNED!!! as well. Was looking for some cheap surround speakers and happend to come across TR on ebay, did a search and found this pathetic thread. I dont have time to read all this garbage, but its so funny its hard to turn away. I have Carver fronts, center, and just need some cheap surrounds. I got the Carvers for free from a buddy of mine who "upgraded" to some multi thousand dollar system, wouldnt you know it was a Bose system, and wouldnt ya know even without surrounds my "new/used" Carvers sound better! To all the people who are getting ready to jump my sh|t and saying I dont know what Im talking about, and Im jealous because I cant afford "top" components. I just so happen to be very rich due to medical malpratice, and can afford just about anything I want... well... other than the TrumpTaj maybe.... Anyway, to all of those people who bought TR stuff and are happy with it in your own minds, dont let these other mindless m*ther*uckers get to you. Be yourself, and dont let the "media" tell you what is good and not, deside that on your own! |
F360 Pilot Unregistered guest | |
They are not That Bad Unregistered guest | Hey guys, i knew it was a scam, when a guy sold me a pair of 12"(aluminum) House stero speakers (for $250).... I said what the hay, my first listin to the speakers and i was like ok there not Bad, sounded OK, TURNED THE VOLUME up still ok, but played some car comp cds, and noticed they needed help(btw they dont sound like $1000 speakers but i didnt plan on them sounding like that(keep this in mind) if you do your just plane stupid, i now think i didnt get ripped off or too ripped off now that i heard them, i put a amp too them first 400wrms each as listed ,ummm.... too much, then tryed 275wrms perfect, i then hooked up a EQ ran my car audio comp cds and took about 30-45mins of playing with the EQ ajustments, when all said and done i must say for $250 they sound like $300-500 speakers, BIG improvement,(then without a EQ/Amp) ...... Ive had them for over 2years now and not one thing has gone wrong, my cusin a ex-car audio expert first looked at them when he came over a said Gary Gary Gary, you got ripped off these cost like $100 to make, i then turn them on his mouth jropped, he then took the speaker grill off (makeing sure there werent other speakers in the boxxes) he the flat out said " WoW these sound pretty good, guess you didnt get ripped off " and was shocked, he went on to play with the EQ, and try diffrent songs, and said i sounds alot better with the EQ........... All in all i love them they have held up to lots of all night partys, at full blast! So if you got a set of these spekers keep in mind this... 1. There not $1-$2k speakers. 2. The guy didnt put a gun to your head to buy them. 3. Only run Half of the watts that the box says. and 4. Get a EQ, and enjoy. Finaly , too everyone who think they got $2000 speakers out of a back of a van, WAKE UP TO THE REAL WORLD PEOPLE! Stop Whineing! Like said before dont bash them till you try them. |
Bronze Member Username: OkiecaverOklahoma City, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 24 Registered: Feb-04 | OKAAAYYYYY Gary says that with some tweaking they can be made to perform. Has anyone else tried this? Say , upgraded wriring and crossovers, added cabinet bracing and deadning, any of that kind of stuff? TIA Brock |
Unregistered guest | Victim of White Van Guys in San Antonio, TX. Will sell 4 TR900s new in unopened box for $500 plus shipping, if anyone is interested. Don't know if they are worth a crap or not. Contact |
COWBOY383 Unregistered guest | LMFAO I cant believe this. I was look for remote codes for My TR-601 which I bought a year ago in Houston, Texas from a guy in a white van. This sshit is funny as hell I thought I was a lucky basterd who got lucky when I picked up these speakers, I only gave 150 bucks for them, The guy said they were extra shippment and his boss was going to just take them back. He said he wanted to make some cash for himself I agreed and and gave him 150. Got them home hooked them up been jammin ever since. |
philly sucker Unregistered guest | dont worry, i did the same thing, i bought the tr-501 speakers from two guys in a white van that said american sound system, only one of the guys were the main talker the other guy sat their in the passenger seat high,his eyes were so blood shot, anyway the price listing on the box was 2,999.00 i bought them for 340.00, i got ripped. and yeah, they also bribed me to going to an atm. after i bought them i was asked if i smoked pot, i said no but it seemed like they were selling that too |
New member Username: Got_scamdPost Number: 1 Registered: Apr-04 | Don't fall for this. I got scam'd yesterday in Sunnyvale, CA in a bank parking lot. Black Cadilac Escalade... Bought a 5.1 home theater sound system called "digital research". Same re-boxed malaysian made junk. Of course, he was a real fast smooth talker, and I thought I was getting a deal by jewing him down to 300 bucks....I got screwed. Don't buy this crap, and don't beleive the scammers who have infiltrated this forum to make you all beleive these speakers really are good. It's all a lie. Unless you can buy this crap for next to nothing...say 100 bucks or less for the set, then maybe they're ok to play music in your garage or something like that. Don't any of you try to compare them to any REAL speaker like Boston Acoustics or an ADS...not even close. DON"T GET SCAMMED!!!!!!!!!!! |
Scamed in Arizona Unregistered guest | hmmmm Looks like I'm a "sucker" too.... Apache Junction, Arizona... Fry's parking lot.. 2 guys in a white SUV pulled up and feed me the SAME story that the rest of you got. "we ordered 2 systems and received 4, it's not worth our time to send them back, so we are selling them dirt cheap... blah blah..." They also had a Magazine (which looked totally legit to me) that had this home theater system and many other brands and products listed. This magazine was the thing that pushed me over the edge to purchase. They also mentioned that they just sold their other system for $800... then flashed me some cash to prove it. Now Had I NOT been an idiot, I would have noticed that they flashed $100 bill and they claimed that their purchaser had to get the money from an ATM. ATM usually only give out a max of $400-$500 per day per card and they usually only give out $20 and/or $10 dollar bills (remember, they flashed $100 dollar bills!). I paid $250 for the system, which from everything I've read seems to be about the correct ACTUAL Retail Price. I have yet to hook it all up, but I'm hopeful that it will be worth what I paid for it. I am pissed that I fell prey to these con-artists, but ultamately, I CHOSE to make the purchase. My biggest complaint is that this product is advertised with a $2000-$3000 suggested retail... that's about a 2000% markup in retail in my opinion. |
Anonymous | I can't even put into words how full of BS this TR product is...If you read the manual and even check out the website you can see that this is a high-tech con. My brother gave me the TR-6010 speakers as a gift and he thinks he got a deal by paying $180. By reading the phony 3page owner's manual (in its entirety) I could tell by all the typos and errors that this deal was a crock. I feel bad for my bro but I learned a lesson I won't forget. My husband priced some home theater systems and my brother would have been better off getting us a $200 theater system (any brand) from any store and it would have included speakers and receiver. Oh and the "700 Watts Total System Power" is a %#$$^%^ing lie. We also have a Pioneer 600 watt system and in comparison, the Theater Research speakers don't have anywhere near the watts that it claims. They sound o.k. but I would have got 40 a 40 or 50 dollar boom box and connected to my T.V. if I wanted to hear o.k. sounds. If the system says its 700 watts-- then thats what I want to hear. I agree that these white van salesmen should be honest about what they are selling and let the buyer determine whether they want the product or not. You should not be forced to settle for less that what you believed you were paying for. There are a lot of crooks, cons, scams, or whatever you want to call it so my advice is to go with your first instinct and keep your money in your pocket. You never know what you're gonna get when you buy products off the streets. At least if you buy from a store (markups or not) you know you can return it if you don't like it. |
OG Unregistered guest | My Cousin just got scammed here in MN. You just messed with the wrong Asian b*&^%s. These white van men are dead. I ain't scare of no b*&&^&s or cops. You best get out of MN fools. Next one we see is dog food. We're gonna beat the s*&^&t out of you in public and feed you to our dogs. That's a promise. I know you f*&^*&ing b7&^%&s checking theses sites. You all dead. Yo Cali G's. Kick the f&&%^%ing s&*^t out of these b&^*s. Peace G's |
Elwood Unregistered guest | This scam or "hustle" as it is officially known has been around for over 10 years. The speakers change, but the sales pitch remains the same because it works. The speakers always cost less then $100 to make, the rest goes into the white van guy's pocket. Don't listen to the posts by people saying these speakers are as good as those costing $400-500. Most of the posts by people trying to hype this junk are most likely white van guys. |
Jennifer P Unregistered guest | I was also scammed buying these speakers thinking I got a good deal. When I told my husband, he told me about the scam and I felt like an idiot. I learned a few very hard lessons that day. The first lesson was losing our money to these crooks, and the second lesson was given to me over my husbands knee with a belt. Ouch! I will leave the speaker buying to him from now on. |
Las Vegas Unregistered guest | My friend bought the 1400-sl (DoggDigital)from the van 2years ago for $150.(some place in Las Vegas) It sound not bad for $150. I even went online and check out this brand of speakers, cause I never heard of DOGG DIGITAL. I know about this scam over two years ago. For $150 it sound not that bad. I even bought a pair of this floor stand speakers. I use it to listen to techno when I am rolling. You know how loud it get. After 2 years, it still work fine. So if you got it for that price about $200, don't cry. I spend most of my free time in the electronic store can't find $200 speakers sound like the one I have. Anyway if you want a better pair of floor stand speakers buy a pair of Polk Audio LSI 25 on sale for $2,299.89. It sound real good for this price. |
Unregistered guest | Well our nightclub in Kansas City just bought a pair of the TR-3015 Club series speakers and are testing one out now under some serious stress. It says it can take up to 500 watts continuous at 8 ohms. Were doing just that to the speaker right now. The dj is loving it. It does have great sound re-production, full bodied bass, and clear mids and highs. The real test will be if it actually hold up over the next 4 hours at this rate. All the same we have our backups ready in the event that it blows out. |
Anonymous | I have pair of TR8010, selling for $370, anybody interested, email : (montreal, canada) |
Anonymous | These guys are in Savannah Georgia. I just bought my speakers in the Wal - Mart parking lot. Same story, gotta meet the boss, he'll take ém home....anyway, they started out at $500, I got the whole deal for $200, thought I was getting a great deal. Yeah right! My cabinets don't even have ant speakers in them except one side woofer. I bought some really nice speaker cabinets for $200.00. White Jeep Grand Cherokee, if you see it, tell them I said thanks! |
Unregistered guest | Hello all, I posted on page 3 about wanting to know what you all really thought of this equipment. So many of your posts are complaining about being scammed, buying from a van or explorer. Does it matter where they where bought? I do not think the PURCHASE place is a review. I asked that you really tell what they were like. Well, nobody has yet....Sad. I will now tell you my story. I am unsure why in March I became interested in TR speakers but...That is not my point. My point is: I am a consumer. Not a poor one but one who would like nice quality theater sound in my den. I saw a post on Ebay for a TR-8100 and inquired if that seller had a TR-8000 the difference, to me was the TR-8000 had a 50 OZ magnet on the subwoofer. I am not a tech geek or a person whom knows much about anything electrical. I am only a person who knows the basics. Anyway, I was emailed back and told Yes, I could get one. No brainer. I paid less than $200 for the package. It arrived last night via UPS. Well now the fear cam into my head thinking about some of your posts regarding schematics, setups, etc. Well there I stood -- Looking at the box. The box was nice...Big, heavy and there was the price on it...$2499 I picked it up and drug it into the den. I opened it and was mildly surprised, so carefully wrapped. On the top was the center channel...WOW. HUGE...The TR-8000 has Dual speakers and a tweeter. -- I should go on but first, I must tell you about my system.. I purchased a Sony system with a woofer and surrounds and a receiver in 2000. Total paid was about $250. I sold the receiver on Ebay in January. I purchased from Ebay a 2001 Model Kenwood VR-2090. Still running the Sony speakers. Horrible sound. Not really deep or crisp. My 4 surround speakers are as follows: About 2" wide and 6" tall and 6" deep. The woofer is OK maybe 60-75 watts. When I watched a movie the volume would have to be about 35Db to hear the conversations. I knew the center channel was going to be important. Now, on with my box. So I was holding the new TR-8000 center channel and was surprised, large, smooth and heavy. Now the test. I turned on my DVD player and placed in the Tim Burton version of "Planet of the Apes" this movie to me has a surround sound lovers dream, crashes, Background sounds, deep bass, etc. So I let it play about 5 minutes and 40Db with the Old setup. I then unwrapped my Center speaker for the plastic baggie around it and unscrewed the speaker clips. I switch them and was amazed. I know I was smiling...The difference was 100%. I was so excited. I hurried and did the other front two surrounds. WOW....Still smiling....I paused the movie because Mark Walburg was about to crash onto the planet and could NOT miss it on the new system. The WOOFER: HUGE...Seriously it was gigantic. So exciting. Sound was incredible. The reason for MY post was to tell you readers that if you have a Sony dream system and or an outdated setup and want to have a nice sound. TR-8100 or mine the TR-8000 is a sweet deal. I paid less than two hundred and am VERY please. I would love to plunk down cash on a Bose system but am not at that point in my life. So I wanted something nice sounding and cheap/ I do not use the word cheap as in poorly built. I use it as inexpensive. The system is up now and I cannot wait to rent a DVD tonight. It has put emotion back into my den. If you want more data feel free to email me and I will put you in touch with the seller. He is at a company in California and these speakers are delivered to him every couple of weeks from Taiwan. Lastly, if you have a receiver and no speakers these are for you. If you have a receiver and older out dated speakers these are for you. If you have some cash and want a strong setup -- buy a receiver about 100 watts per channel on surround -- then compliment it with this system you would actually be amazed. I hope my review actually helps you decide what to do. I am not a seller, I am not in the company, and Again, I am a consumer. Not poor but not rich. I wanted strong surround sound and now I have it for 200 bucks. |
kevin d Unregistered guest | I've been following this forum for awhile. It seems to me this forum clearly has 2 componets. One componet are those buying to resell and make a "score". They scream "I got scammed (beat,hosed, ripped, or dumped etc.)" The other side are people who actually take the speakers out of the box and USE them. Unfortunatly, not all of these users have systems powerful enough to drive these speakers. A 40, 50 or 70 watt system doesn't really push these units like they need. I, like mostly everyone here, bought mine from the white van guys ( in my case a red Blazer). This was a pair of TR (1400) ? (the big silver units with the space cone on top). As I was handing over my $200.00 I KNEW I was being scammed. Got the speakers home... first problem was there were 2 right speakers. Other problem was they were Silver... didn't match anything. Hooked them up, cranked up the power.... and nothing mattered..... they were/are great. I have a Sony ES componet system...... all 9000 series units Pre amp, amp, CD, DVD. It's puts out power, pure and simple. Since I love being scammed, I bought a pair of TR 8000 and the matching center and rear speakers from a dealer in Calif (click2digital) on E- bay. Both floor speakers came in damaged. You could see where UPS had dropped the boxes on the corner. I e-mailed the dealer and without question or hassel, they shipped me another pair. This was about 3 months ago. I just added another Sony ES amp and a SACD player to my system. Talk about heaven..... these speakers just sing.... Oh!, by the way, the silver speakers moved into my bedroom and they still sound great ! Posted as anonymous because after writting this I can't remember my password |
nthfinity Unregistered guest | ive just been hit up earlier today in Kalamazoo, MI by the 2 guys in the white 'american sound systems' van posting the same posposterous claim of seniority. showing MSRP's of speakers @ 2000$+ it seems interesting to at least take a look... i am successfully able to haggle them down to 113$ for a pair (which i think is absolutely rediculous even for a pair of cheap speakers)just to tell them no, they seemed quite upset, and left in a hurry! but not before i hope i screwed their tiny portion of this scam. i took thier plate numbers, and van description and phoned the police within 2 minutes... i hope to hear back later today that they are cought. seems this thread is quite long, and supports that this isnt the deal of the decade, and to good to miss. thier buisness goes against a lot of what i belive in relating capitolistic society... i hope they rot ![]() |
iwasscammedbutohwell Unregistered guest | sh*t, sh*t, sh*t. i was coming out of work and some dudes in a ford econoline van stopped and asked if i wanted some speakers. i said sure and went around as they jumped out to show me. he pulled out some magaine called dvd etc. and asked if i ever read it. first page he opens happens to be the speakers in his van. an ad that he says his company runs. he then showed me some slip that said they would only have 7 pairs, but loaded 11 in the van. they said something about goin to see t*tties and to make them an offer, i said i'd give 'em 50 bucks. he actually closed the door and was gonna drive away with no sale (or so it seemed). he again showed me the 1499 price on the box. i said 60 bucks and thats it. just then a cop drove by and he said fine he was hungry. i should have known he was scared. i threw them in my car gave him 60 bucks i'll never see again and got home with a weird feeling. first thing i did was type theater research on yahoo and this freakin page is the first one i clicked (not the first listed). i read a few posts and felt sick. it was sketchy as hell but 60 bucks is nothin. i have an audigy 2 nx with the creative megaworks 550 5.1 surround. i hooked up my "top of the line, professional's choice" tr-1100's. i tested them and they are real speakers. they play sound, but have absolutely no bass which they claim to have subwoofers in each one. i tried them individually then turned them on and off against my tiny black cambrige soundworks THX bugger and my little one blew them away by itself. i will put them on ebay and try to get my 60 bucks back. they are no way in hell worth a couple hundred bucks, but 60 was all i'm out for now to learn a huge lesson. never again will i buy anything from anyone in a car. i had nothin to do today after work which is the only reason i gave them a chance. last thing i'll say is, dont feel bad, it happens to the best of us. just learn from it and spread the word. |
Unregistered guest | I got some yesterday here in a Giant Eagle parking lot in Columbus, OH. I got two TR2810's for 400 dollars. If anyone wants to buy them I'll sell them both for 200 bucks (probably less). They've only been opened to examine the contents. |
New member Username: ThespeakermanPost Number: 3 Registered: May-04 | i've got 2 pair left that i'll sell for exactly what i paid,,, $100.00 per pair,,, I give them away but I'm not rich so just what I paid is fine with me |
klkool Unregistered guest | Got a set of tr-8200 (6-pc home theater) here. Someone take them off my hands for free, you just pay for shipping. |
Unregistered guest | "YOU NEED TO STOP LYING TO PEOPLE" Look, I gave an HONEST review of the speakers. I do NOT sell them, I do NOT work for them. I am telling you what I hear. What do you have? I have the TR-8000 and my BASS is GREAT. I just rented the DVD for TORQUE this weekend it it was GREAT. Those bikes sounded like they were in my den. I stand BY my review |
adfdsfasdfsdafdsdssadfdsaf Unregistered guest | one of my friends got ripped by these fu(kers ... he thinks he got a deal but the sound on them is absolute crap ... like someone else said, its like listening to a boombox ... CHEAP. I did some research, and this is part of what I found ... what I also find is amusing is that I tried emailing as it says on their site: Subject: Returned mail: see transcript for details ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors ----- <> (reason: 551 not our customer) ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ... while talking to >>> RCPT To:<> <<< 551 not our customer 550 5.1.1 <>... User unknown Any company that wants you to pay 2 grand for speakers but doesn't have a working sales email has got to be a rip, also the fact that they have to use another company for a cheap shopping cart makes it look like "the professional's choice" should be the LAST thing they show on their site and speaker boxes. |
Rex Ruthless Unregistered guest | I just got a call from my useless nephew. His buddy wanted $300. This scam has been around for decades. I always wondered where they got the speakers. From what I read, I guess they advertise in the classifieds. |
Sebastien Unregistered guest | Sorry guys i dont speak english! I am sound technicien for 10 year now and beleive me you better buy a 200$ JVC system, those guy run white Yukon SUV in Montréal, Québec. They told me the same bullshit as you all says and like we say in french; s'est trop beau pour etre vrai! Next time i see them I will follow them just to know where they get that speaker and i will let you know. Bye |
New member Username: EnmityjackNewport Beach, CA USA Post Number: 3 Registered: Jun-04 | These speakers don't sound that bad, you can buy them directly from a website at: |
Anonymous | I agree with scobad. I just got my TR-8000 off ebay for $250. Their being push by a Kenwood VR70. My centerpiece to my home theater is my 50" DLP Samsung. I thing my system rocks. I am 100% satisfied with the speakers and think the package is near impossible to beat for the money. I'm happy with them. |
Ubeenhad Unregistered guest | Yup, very old scam that has been around for decades. I've probably been approuched at least 5 or 6 times over the years and knew it was a scam from day 1 because I used to work in a electronics store, and people would come in all the time asking about the speakers and what they were worth. It used to break my heart sometimes telling them that they got taken to the cleaners. The worst time was when some guy bought 3 sets of them thinking he could sell them for a huge profit. Lets face it though, the people buying them are almost as guilty. Your buying something that you think is either stolen or an extra shipment. All of you are lucky you at least got speakers and not an empty box, because that is what happens sometimes. Never buy anything from the street! If it was that good of a deal they would sell them to close friends or relatives...NOT YOU. Think of it this way, if you found ten brand new car cd players behind a dumpster and wanted to get rid of them, would you go to you local Home Depot parking lot and try to sell them? Don't listen to the idiots that say these speakers sound pretty good. They know nothing about audio. News stations have been doing reports on this scam for years and they take the speakers to a high end audio shop to be tested. They usually say the speakers are only worth about $100 or so. |
TheKid Unregistered guest | What up dogg...I sell these speakers everyday son, and at the end of the day, my van is always empty. These speakers are the bomb diggity. Those cats who got their speakers for 200 are lucky. I usually get at least 300, no doubt. I usually blow my whole pay on 40's and dutches, but thats what it's all about kid. Word up. If you want a deal on these speakers, I'll be around. Home Depots, hell any shopping center, no doubt i'll be up in that piece selling yo. 4-3 |
New member Username: EnmityjackNewport Beach, CA USA Post Number: 7 Registered: Jun-04 | I sell these speakers legitly! "TheKid". You are an IDIOT!!!! You buy the CHEAPEST CRAP models and scam people out of there money! I'd ask you how you sleep at night, but you said you blow all of your money on 40's and dutches. |
No Name Unregistered guest | i got these speakers for 150 each (TR)1610 and i resell it for 300 each pair. i love these speaker. Lucky i keep one for my room. oh i get this at CA, Stocton i drove in Theater Reseach wearhouse and pick this up. |
Bronze Member Username: OkiecaverOklahoma City, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 40 Registered: Feb-04 | defaultValuevinr[?l[?? what I can see to be honest user reviews. Thanks for that. It also looks like the one thing in common was that you bought direct from a distributor. That tells me that what might be going out in the "white vans" is second tier goods. Would you agree, Jack Anthony Cline? As to how people write as being an indicator of their honesty and intelligence, I have a BA in graphic design and still have to use spell and grammar check. Back to speakers. We are talking about something very very subjective here. I've mellowed somewhat on my stance as far as the product itself. I still have reservations about the sales technique. However, with as many home shows as I've been to and as many "Miracle Waterless Cookware" demos I've seen, I figure 250-500 for a high style set of speakers is not nearly as offensive. Much worse is scaring old folks and immigrants into spending thousands on "sanitary" cookware with horror tales of aluminum causing Ahlzhiemers. Then being rooked into trying to recoup their expense by joining in a pyramid scheme to sucker others. That is a scam. You choose your battles, folks. Brock |
New member Username: EnmityjackNewport Beach, CA USA Post Number: 8 Registered: Jun-04 | Theater Research makes A LOT of speakers. They have speakers as cheap as $65 for surround sets. These are the one's everyone is complaining about! There are good speakers, 1610/1611, 2900, 2810, 2800 and 8000. These however cost more and since these white van guys are looking to screw people, they buy the cheapest junk possible! DON'T GET ME WRONG, NONE OF THESE SPEAKERS ARE WORTH 2k! But the models mentioned above are good speakers and are better than MOST Sony speakers I've heard. |
Bronze Member Username: OkiecaverOklahoma City, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 41 Registered: Feb-04 | Thanks Jack. I went to DoggCrapp's site. Average sensitivity rating is around 88 db per 1 watt at 1000kHz. Very inefficient- about on the level of electrostatics. So I'm thinking also that alot of buyers are hooking them up to pretty low powered recievers. Check your reciever/amp and make sure it's rated for at least 100 watts RMS, 20-20 k into 8 ohms. Dont fall for the "peak power" or 1 kHz ratings. Those are very misleading. You want a rock steady flow with good damping and BIG caps to run something this inefficient. You might want to supplement the towers with a powered sub. Can those be purchased seperately? Brock |
Bronze Member Username: OkiecaverOklahoma City, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 42 Registered: Feb-04 | OOOPS SORRY! I meant DoggDigital. DoggCrapp is a system weight training. NEED MORE COFFEE- STAT! Brock |
Opps!!!!!!!! Unregistered guest | Salinas, CA, 7/28/04, Mall Parking lot, TR-8000 Surround sound set, Red Blazer, CA Plates, Same Story... overstocked the truck... wanted to make some "Beer" money. Id never heard of Theater Research befor but I had just looked at similar sets in costco for Twice the money so I gave them $400.00 of the $500.00 they were asking for and a case of Beer too. What a sucker I was... I normaly research everything I buy here on the net so what do I do when I get home I check to see if they were really worth the $2499.00 that the magazine artical they showed me was anywhere close to accurate, This magazine was the thing that pushed me over the edge to purchase.. NOPE $199.00 Buy it now on Ebay... Next thing i did was type theater research on Google and this page is the first one i clicked (not the first listed). i read a few posts and felt sick In the meantime they are still in the box and Im wondering if they are crap or if they are even slightly worth wasting my hard earned cash on |
scammed Unregistered guest | They just scammed me! Coming out of the Wal Mart, and they pulled up in a white chevy van. They asked me if i wanted some extra speakers they had left over from a job. I said who wouldn't want speakers at half price, but the only thing was the cash was home. I told them to follow me home so I could get the cash. Then invited them in for coffee. I realized that I didn't have enough cash, so one of those &*%$!!'s suggested that i go to the atm and they would finish their coffee. So I left them to go get the cash. When I got back they were gone, and so was all my stuff. I'm still trying to figure out how they fit my couch in their van! The only thing those @$$0#@S left was my laptop i had in my desk. I typing this sitting on the floor, cause they took my chairs too. They must be furniture movers too, cause i was only gone for about 20 minutes. If anyone sees two guys selling some furniture out of a white chevy van, tell them i want my stuff back. Damn!!!!!!! |
Bronze Member Username: OkiecaverOklahoma City, Oklahoma USA Post Number: 44 Registered: Feb-04 | Scammed, I'm sorry to hear of your misfortune and I hope you called the police on them, but this begs the question. WHYYYYYYY did you leave two TOTAL STRANGERS alone in your home? |
Unregistered guest | So I hook up the Sub only from the TR-8000 today... not bad sound but not extreemly impresive either... First of all I dont have a Sub out on my amp so I hooked it up to center out... Some songs sounded good others sounded weird... guess this amp likes to send alot of sound to center when its in dolby mode anyhow....less that 30 min and I put it back in the box.... if I do keep them they will be boxed till I move to a bigger place...... but in the meantime if anyone wants to give me the $400 I paid & whatever the shipping is Ill let this set go...... |
New member Username: ThespeakermanPost Number: 4 Registered: May-04 | Yep, kinda got a great lesson the hard way. |
New member Username: ThespeakermanPost Number: 5 Registered: May-04 | It';s real cut and dry people,, if you paid $200.00 for a pair, you got a $200.00 pair of speakers, nothing more, nothing less. |
R F Unregistered guest | Im sorry but if someone is stupid enough to let 2 strangers into his house and LEAVE THEM THERE, sorry but you had uit comin to you for being such a dumb@$$. |
ihateblackpeople Unregistered guest | You're a real dick%$@# for letting two black guys in your house. Those people will steal the rug from under you!!! |
Unregistered guest | hi, guys I just bought from ebay a theater research 6100 digital sound 5.1 I think I got riped off. The dvd player is not working. The seller is not responding to my demand to get the dvd player fixed.Is there anyone out there could help me out to resolve my problem. All I want is the dvd working. I live in Canada and no parts are available to fixe the dvd. May be someone has a dvd player(Theater research, same model etc..) to sell that work. |
HT is great Unregistered guest | These speakers are better than Bose, Polk, etc. They are the most accurate reproduction of sound that I have ever heard. Of course I have never heard Bose, or Polk. But that's what those guys in the van told me, so it's good enough for me! |
Unregistered guest | i got some tr-1400s..... i own a car audio shop and would consider myself a audiophile, i love great sound. i wont lie, these speakers are decent..... worth what i paid but for some reason expected more... deffinately for sale if you live in the detroit area gimme a email. if you can get these ba$tard$ for rock bottom and want a decent sounding system- do it. just make sure they are speakers and not boxes of rocks, feel me? |
Sucker Unregistered guest | Heads up central PA the grimy speaker crew is in the area! |
almost got me Unregistered guest | These guys are $!@#$@ crazy!! Approached me in the parking lot of Home Depot in GA, and gave me the rap about the speakers. I got them down to $150, and they said they would follow me to the ATM. As I was driving to get the cash, I changed my mind and decided that I didn't want the speakers. I motioned to the driver of the van at a red light and told him to forget the whole thing. He said that I made them go out of the way to come and get the cash, so I was gonna have to buy them now. I said no, thanks anyway, and got back in my car, I heard him yell you're buying these $*%!@$ speakers. I took off and these guys came after me! I couldn't shake them. I was taking turns at like 40 mph, and they stuck with me getting really close like they were gonna hit my car! Good thing I know the area well, cause I took them for a tour of all the backroads. Finally, I was in the left lane with the van behind me flashing his brights at me, and last minute I cut across three lanes to get on the highway. He swerved too, but couldn't make the entrance ramp and had to swerve back. I think one of the vans tires came off the ground he swerved so hard! He started honking and shouting, and the guy in the passenger seat was leaning out the window giving me the finger. They were so busy looking at me that they almost rear ended another car on the road. Those guys are crazy when they don't get their money! I came home to find out info on the speaker name they said, and found this website. Guess their everywhere!! |
Andy Wall Unregistered guest | Home Depot. Rochester NY. Same exact scam. I paid $100 each. tr1200's. not the best speakers ever but definately worth that price. I've heard alot worse from sony and kenwood @least twice the price. plus they look pretty cool. oh well. my own fault for buying them I don't feel taken at all. the bass is not bad @ all. any more than 2 or 3 hundred for a pair and you're getting screwed. |
Andy Wall Unregistered guest | Home Depot. Rochester NY. Same exact scam. I paid $100 each. tr1200's. not the best speakers ever but definately worth that price. I've heard alot worse from sony and kenwood @least twice the price. plus they look pretty cool. oh well. my own fault for buying them I don't feel taken at all. the bass is not bad @ all. any more than 2 or 3 hundred for a pair and you're getting screwed. |
thelastguytogetrippedoff Unregistered guest | i just got the tr 1610 of a denise at ebay. I know audio and these are pure trash. I paid $300 after shipping, these speakers no matter what you pay are trash. Nobody pay for these..trash. You can get decent best buy cerwin vegas house speakers that blow these away. You buy these speakers after this post and you are retarded. Also i am getting a lawyer. |