Hooking TV so sound comes through home theater system


Unregistered guest
I have a Curtis DVD Home Theater System 300W with 5 speakers and a woffer, and want it hooked up so that I can get TV sound through the theater system.

I dont have outputs-only inputs on our Citizen TV. Is it possible to do this?

New member
Username: Frustratedinwa

Bumfuck, WA

Post Number: 1
Registered: Dec-04
I am having the same problem. I have a Sony system (don't have the model number here at work) and the manual says I just have to hook a video cable from the "monitor out" on the back of the TV to the "monitor in" on the back of the receiver. However, my TV (a five-year old Panasonic) doesn't have a monitor out.

Is there a way around this problem? Thanks for any advice. Hopefully, it'll help you too, T.I.

Bronze Member
Username: Philman

Richmond, IN USA

Post Number: 23
Registered: Dec-04
If you don't have a cable or satellite box then I would say not. At a minimum you need a stereo signal from you TV tuner. Most older TV's are not going to provide that and most newer ones rely on a better audio source such as mentioned above.

So, what to do. You can purchase a TV with stereo outputs or get cable or satellite. :o(

See my post under; Home Theater > Home Theater Setup & Planning > Home Theatre Set-Up > "Sid"

Common issue, wish I could offer more.
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