Friend of a friend bought my Yamaha amp about 4 months ago ( one of their better ones from 3 years ago), i cant recall the model at the moment.
Now he says the speakers are poping and there is allot of noise in the center channel, he admits to hooking up 4 ohm speakers when the manual states 8 ohm max.
This amp worked perfect when it was sold ( i changed to get a 7 channel amp) but he is impling i sold him a damaged amp and wants his money back.
Can any one tell from the above description what may have happened to the amp?
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Well, the manual says 8 ohms for a reason. . .
I'm not an expert in this, but here are my 2 cents:
The speakers he hooked up are letting too much power through. Ever hook up an LED without the limiting resistor? It flashes VERY bright for the whole nano-second it takes to BURN UP.
Tell him to try 8 ohm speakers and see if it doesn't sound better. His speakers may be shot however. (It doesn't do the AMP a lot of good either, but hopefully he has not burned up the power transistors.)