I am looking to invest about $300 for a decent HTIB. Does anyone have any input on which one I should go with? I have read other threads detailing that the Onkyo could use more inputs in the back (also, to go to a higher model if I have the money). I've read the Yamaha has more inputs and speakers are not as solid. Please provide some feed back. Thanks.
It's true that yamaha's speakers are not solid compared to some high end manufacter's but I beleive that nothing beats out the yamaha's for just surrond sound.
I had the same question. I thought either one would be okay and since no local vendors carried either one in stock I was back to mail order. Best price after shipping was on the YHT-150 at around $264. I ended up with the 570 because I actually found the exact same system called the Onkyo 8230 at Radio Shack for $239. (after $30 in store coupon). It is the exact same system, same model on the receiver, same model on the remote.
It's too bad I didn't get to compare both head to head in a listening tests. I still kind of wanted the Yamaha as I believe it had more sound fields (if I would use them all who knows) and had a 5-band equalizer built in. Like I said, probably either system will be okay. I just went with price and convenience being the deciding factor for me.
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I went to circuit city and bestbuy..listened to both...the onkyo by FAR beat the yamaha....yamaha had no thump at all compared to the onkyo sub,and the speakers didnt sound near as clear nor go as high as the onkyo.onkyo is awesome for the money,you really cant go wrong.