eBay is eat up with TR stuff. And they are still using that $3000 schtick. And some suckers seem to be biting.
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Another one bites the dust here. They stopped me in long island. Guy in a white van. With a partner who never stepped out or spoke. He had the catalog and the whole nine yards. Told me he's going back to the warehouse and got them for free. Asking for anything I can afford. They suckered me into going to the ATM And Withdrawing 3 large bills. Anyways got home and hooked it up. It doesn't sound too bad. Considering I can now hook up all my systems via the subwoofer. Though I hate the fact that I got cheated and could have paid at least $200.00 not the $300.00 Other than that I pay not much mind. The speakers are alot louder than my mini speakers and the bass is awsome. But next time I see them I will mug them and take their money and merchandise. LOL