I just got my Onyko HT-S650 last night and I wanted to test it before I went ahead and set everything up. I connected just the 2 front speakers and then my CD player with the digital optical cable. Then I pluged it into the wall and the little red standby light came on. I hit the on button and it turned off, and then if I hit it again the standby light would go back on. If I pressed "standby/on" on the remote like it says in the manual it would do the same thing, and the display would not come on. Is this thing DOA? If so I am pretty pissed.
I just got off the phone with Onkyo tech support and they said it's most likely DOA. This was supposed to be a "refusbished" unit that had only cosmetic flaws but I saved about $100 so I thought it was worth it, and it comes with the full warrenty. Perhapes I made a mistake.
Posted on
Never buy refurbished anything. The refurbishers are almost always 3rd party contractors who cut corners and never rebuild to Mfg Spec. Yes saving 100 clams is nice but you will always have problems in the short, medium and long terms. Besides, there are two types of refurbished product: Factory Reconditioned, whichmeans that it was broken and they attempted to fix it it or stuff that has been scrtached or dented which in most cases is sold as is. Carpe Diem
Yea Tim I think you're right. Lesson learned.It will turn on if you plug something into the back and jiggle it around. They are sending me a brand new reciever and I'm paying the $50 difference.
Posted on
Shouldn't have bought it where you bought it in the 1st place Only Budget Shoppers should buy refurbished Crap!!!!
By the Way, Tim was right when he said noe to Buy REFURBISHED anything and what, only a lousy $100.00 off??? Up here in Canada, we call that a Temporary Sale Price!!!