Athena or NHT (With a HSU) I need help. PLEASE!!


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Username: Maximo

Post Number: 4
Registered: 01-2004
I've been researching home theater for about a year and am finally about to buy something. However, I don't have the ability to listen to many systems therefore I will be relying heavily upon reviews and opinions from people like you. I'm probably going to go with a Harman Kardon avr230 or 325

I am looking at the Athena Point 5 system(without the sub); Athena ASF-1, ASB-1, ASC1 (I've even thought about going asb-1 for the mains as well but don't know); NHT superones or superzeros.

Athena point 5- $380
HSU STf-2- $400
HK AVR230- $380
Total: $1160

ASf1 -$400
ASb1- $150
ASc1- $180
HSU STF2- $400
HK AVR230- $380
Total: $1510

SuperoneXu (White)(4) $360 ($90 a peice)
Supercenter- $157
HSU STF-2 $400
HK AVR230 $380
Total: $1297

These are just some of the possible configurations. Please help me put together a hometheater system that would meet my needs which would include about 80% movies/games and 20% music. I'm trying to decide is it worth it to spend the extra money because I don't want to if I don't have to.

My room is 13.8" by 16.10" and its open to the kitchen. My prediciment is that these range a litte in price. Will the floor standing Athenas sound good enough to spend the extra money or will the point 5 system sound close to as good in my room with a good sub (HSU). I really don't want to spend over $1200 but if the sound will be that much better then i will consider it.

If i can stand white speakers onecall has the NHT superone xu for 89 a piece that half the price of the black ones. I called and asked if it was a misprint. Mike that i talked to confirmed that the price was correct. I'm having a hard time with the whole white thing (but my walls are white and they come with brackets). how do the superzeros sound in comparison.

I would like to think that the Athena Point 5 system would astonish me enough and i wouldn't need anything else because of its great price. It would save me a lot of money to go with it. I just don't want to wish i had gotten one of the other systems.

OH yeah I've decided to get a HSU research sub. Either the STF-1, STF-2, or VTF-2. I sent an email to DR. HSU and hopefully he'll let me know which will be the best for my room.

Hawk or anyone can you help Please?

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Username: Brandon

Post Number: 6
Registered: 12-2003
well I can tell you the ASF2s sound 100 times better than the ASF1s. Personally I would not go with ASF1.

The ASF1s to me sounded like they didnt have enough mid-range and almost sounded hollow in their sound.

That being said, There is no way I would drop 1500 bucks on a system and not have heard it before. I believe that everyone here will agree on that.

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Username: Project6

Post Number: 68
Registered: 12-2003
the NHT is one heck of a great buy for that price. You can probably tell that the white ones just don't move as fast, but they do sound awesome...the color is just too unconventional for most folks.
I would go with the NHT set-up, and with the HSU subs, your system will be rounded out very nicely.
Brandon is most definitely right about the ASF1s...I have the ASF-2 and I listened to both in my home before I decided on the bigger Athenas, they just sound a lot better and fuller with better bass response.

Here's another set of speakers that will blow you away, great value
I've heard this system and it is unbelievably good! This will bring up your budget to about $1486.75 with the HK AVR230.

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Username: Edison

Post Number: 242
Registered: 12-2003
I would recommend an onkyo over HK - the 800 model one the best receiver under 1k in a hifi magazine, and sounds sweet too - less fatiguing, coz it's smoother - has a pleasant clarity and a rich sound.

NHT xu is small but has nice sound. Will sound better with an onkyo. Mate it with a sony sub (below).

If you want Athena, I would go with AS-B1 in the front and back, and a center at Sounds better than point 5, and I like it even better than their bigger speakers - tighter and prettier mid.

You don't have to spend as much on a sub as the rest of speakers. You can get this sony sa-wm200 for $94 at Sounds pretty good. has good prices on onkyo.


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Username: Maximo

Post Number: 5
Registered: 01-2004
i think i may go with the Superone xu's b/c i think i can get the black ones for the same price but i'm not 100% sure yet. However, I would rather go wit a HK receiver.

I was offered a really good deal on a refurbished phase power 12 (for $299). how would this compare to a HSU sub such as the STF-1 or STF-2.

the set up would be superone xu's, super center, hk 230, phase power 12 (or a HSU sub)

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Username: Maximo

Post Number: 8
Registered: 01-2004
I thought about the recomendations of the Athena ASF-2's. BestBuy finally got most of their speakers set up right so I got the chance to audition them. The ASF-2's were amazing; I was really suprised at the sound quality. They sounded much better than the Supertwo's I listened to at my friends.

I think I have made up my mind and I want the ASF-2's (for sure), ASC-1 (center), ASB-1 (surrounds).

One more question, I've heard that Harman Kardon (AVR 325 or 525) would be a good match. The efficiency (93db) of the speakers is pretty high so I don't think I would need a lot of power, however, they are floor standing speakers. The AVR525 is around $575 and the AVR325 is $441. How would the the HK's compare to similarly priced NAD, Marantz, or Outlaw receivers with these speakers. Any opinions on receivers are welcome. I just want to make a good match. If the HK is a good match would the AVR325 be powerful enough (just trying to save money).

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Username: Project6

Post Number: 72
Registered: 12-2003
i think that the HK AVR525 would be a great match for the Athenas. I have heard them paired with an HK 7200 and they sound excellent and not overly bright.
If given the choice I would go for the AVR525, i think you'd be happier with it.

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Username: Maximo

Post Number: 13
Registered: 01-2004
Thanks, I'm definitely leaning toward the HK AVR 525. I'm just trying to be sure by asking what people think of the combination.

I mentioned earlier that I was going to wait on the sub b/c these would suffice for now. Does anyone agree or disagree. When I heard them at the store they seemed to produce adequate bass. I believe the only thing I would miss would be the really low frequencies (below 35). Would I take a big loss in bass if I decided to wait on the sub. The main reason I want to wait is that it makes it more possible for me to get these floor standing speakrs rather than say the ASF-1 or a pair of bookselfs. I'm trying to build a good system for the future.

Any comments of the Bass of the ASF-2's. Bestbuy's set up sucked and it's hard to get a feel for how these speakers really perform in a closed area or in real practice.

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Username: Adam1680

Post Number: 1
Registered: 01-2004

I am also leaning towards almost the same identical set up. I have the HK AVR 525, and have heard nothing but good things about the Athena ASF-2's (with center and waiting for the new wall mount rear's to come out) with this receiver. My question would be, with the 4 8" woofers, how essential is adding the sub? I don't have the ASF-2's yet to see how they sound without the sub, just wondering if anyone has any opinion on this..

Thanks in advance!

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Username: Browncow

Post Number: 1
Registered: 01-2004
Hi Adam,

With my new NAD T753, I have a pair of AS-F2 for the front and a pair of AS-F1 for the back. The bass is pushing and deep. But it may not enough for movie watching. I am going to add a sub too, probably a 10" one.

Just my 2 cents.


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Username: Adam1680

Post Number: 6
Registered: 01-2004
Hey Cow,

How do you like them? Are they all that they're hyped up to be? I took a listen at Best Buy's demo, but the guy had the front's bass turned way down and wouldn't change the configuration. But regardless I was pretty impressed. If I went with an Athena Sub, I would also go for the 400 as well, for $70 more, why wouldn't you, heh? :-) Everyone is raving about the Velodyne subs though, not sure if mixing the sub brands is good or not?

Thanks for the input though, it was exactly what I was looking for. I just purchased all my cabling and should have everything installed and running in a month or less I hope..

Thanks for the info! If anyone else has opinions, I'd love to hear them..

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Username: Browncow

Post Number: 5
Registered: 01-2004
Hi Adam,

I like my Athena speakers up to now, for classic, pop and movies as well. I tested the Velodyne and the Athena sub at the dealer and I just like the shaking from Velodyne way more. The dealer has a low freq bass sound test CD and Velodyne sounds more deep and rich to me. You should test both and go for the one you like.

Hope you get everything hook up soon.

Bronze Member
Username: Heff

Post Number: 59
Registered: 12-2003
Hey Adam, did you get your ASF-2's yet?
IMO, 4 8" woofers are going to give you bass, but they won't produce LFE like a Subwoofer can.

If you want to know how low, you could download a tone generator and test your system w/o a sub.

Velodyne, SVS, HSU are well known names. SVS and Hsu are sold online and offer 45 and 30 day money back guarantees.

Bronze Member
Username: Sjordan872

Post Number: 45
Registered: 01-2004
Have you considered the Athena SCT system? I heard it last week with my HK avr630. It put the ASF's to shame IMO. Looked a lot better too. Good luck!
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