Need advice - I have an HK 325 with 7 speakers plus the sub (Infinity Entra Point Five with two additional Entra Surround Backs). I like the Logic 7.1 mode for most music (CD, FM and TV). When running Logic 7.1 it appears that my HK 325 needs a stereo signal or drops back to the two fronts and center with no sound coming out of the surrounds or surround backs. The only way to get sound from all seven speakers is to drop to "7 Speaker Stereo" or one of the surround modes which works fine but doesn't have the presence of the Logic 7.1 mode. I find this happens from any audio source without a stereo signal. I assume this occurs since the "logic derived" modes need a stereo signal to derive the surround channels.
My question is - Since some sources from FM or TV are stereo but some weaker channels are mono is there any way to preserve the Logic 7.1 mode? Do I just need to keep the 325 in the "7 speaker" mode for FM and TV?
HK 325 HK DVD 25 HK CDR 26 Hitachi 53" Rear Projection JVC 2802 Super VHS VCR Infinity Entra Point Five HT System Infinity Entra Point Five Speakers, Surround Rear 12 Ga wire
ken: H/K's Logic 7 (5.1 and 7.1) only works with stereo or "matrix-surround" encoded materials (i.e. Dolby Prologic sources such as tape and dvd). Sorry.
ken: I'm sure I didn't answer you question fully. Yes, unfortunately, you'll probably need to decide whether you want to use "7 Ch Stereo" or "Logic 7" as the default for your FM stations. I don't have my AVR-525 hooked up for 7.1 operation.
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have you guys found that FM reception on your HK isn't very good? I tried two receivers prior to my HK and they could pull FM stations better.
I don't use FM that often. The FM sensitivity may be lower on the H/K than other receivers... I don't know. Have you tried a powered indoor FM antenna?