Unregistered guest | I am thinking about getting some JBL speakers for my dorm room and need a decent, but not too expensive receiver to power them. Any advice on a quality receiver or good brand to look into? |
Silver Member Username: BilldashillPost Number: 112 Registered: Dec-03 | With JBL speakers which tend to be on the bright side you should be looking for a receiver with a more neutral bias like Harman Kardon. HK makes some good stereo receivers if that what you want since you didn't specify, 2 channel or 5 channel. If you want 5.1 HK lower models are also a good choice. |
Unregistered guest | I will mostly be using the receiver for music but at times it would be nice to have the capability to have surround sound when i get more speakers in the future. so i think i would want a 5.1 channel receiver. I basically want something that will give enough power and have a clear sound. |
Silver Member Username: BilldashillPost Number: 113 Registered: Dec-03 | HK AVR130 is their entry surround receiver. Check it out here, its below $300 free shipping. http://www.jr.com/JRProductPage.process?Product_Code=HK+AVR130&JRSource=DealTime .datafeed.HK+AVR130 If you need more power, you won't be able to find an HK surround for under $300 new. You could then look into their 2 channel receivers. I'm sure there are other deals from other manufacturers suitable for your JBL's. Do searches for Marantz and Pioneer for starters. |
Bronze Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 66 Registered: Feb-04 | Consider upping that a bit to the HK avr-320 for $389.99 at ecost.com http://www.ecost.com/ecost/ecsplash/shop/detail.asp?dpno=963097 |
Silver Member Username: BilldashillPost Number: 114 Registered: Dec-03 | Or the Marantz 4400 for $300(Black only) even at CA. http://www.cambridgesoundworks.com/store/category.cgi?category=rec_hometheater%2 6item%3Dm1sr4400z&type=store |
Sarandon Unregistered guest | dont forget the onkyo tx-sr502 for $300. |
Bronze Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 68 Registered: Feb-04 | Good find Jeff! I almost bought that Marantz when I got my h/k avr325. It's a good choice! Pre-outs on all channels... A down side is the poor bass management, with sub crossover set at 100 Hz only. After tasting the 6 frequency play in my h/k, I couldn't go back to this fixed frequency. |
New member Username: SpoonfedPost Number: 7 Registered: Sep-04 | Panasonic XR45 or XR50 if you can find either. If sound quality... esp 2ch is important the others don't even come close....... and not just "for the dollars".... i ended up with an XR45 after extensive home demos of Arcam AVR300 and Denon 3805. |
Silver Member Username: Rh1Post Number: 145 Registered: Jun-04 | Marantz, H/K, and Pioneer would be my top choices in that price range. Pioneer 814k or 914k should fit in that budget, try ecost.com onecall.com |
Jeb77 Unregistered guest | I really like the features and price of the marantz sr4400 for $300. Would those match up alright with a pair jbl E30's and a E150P sub? Should I be worried about the bass management? |
jeb77 Unregistered guest | I also dont need many inputs, just for a tv, dvd player, and a computer. Just something that a good clear sound. |
New member Username: SpoonfedPost Number: 8 Registered: Sep-04 | jeb77, And hence my suggestion.... esp if 2ch is important. 4 digital inputs should suit your needs (preference on he pannys is to feed digital for best sound to avoid any anlogue conversions.... which occurs no matter what on any conventional receiver) |
Silver Member Username: BilldashillPost Number: 120 Registered: Dec-03 | Those panasonic digital receivers might have a load of digital connections but when it comes to power and sound quality the Marantz SR4400 blows it away. If the Marantz has the digital connections you need then it's a no-brainer. |
jeb77 Unregistered guest | is lack of bass management going to matter if I have a sub hooked up to the marantz? |
Silver Member Username: BilldashillPost Number: 121 Registered: Dec-03 | No, not with the JBL speakers you want. 100 hz should be fine. |
New member Username: Pne123CA USA Post Number: 4 Registered: Sep-04 | HK has the avr-230 for sale on their website for $298. I got a denon AVR884 from ecost for $209. it is an open reconditioned unit but still under the manu. warranty. |
Silver Member Username: BilldashillPost Number: 122 Registered: Dec-03 | If that HK AVR-230 is new then that would also be a good deal for you jeb77. |
jeb77 Unregistered guest | Thanks a lot for all your info and insight, it helped a lot. I think I will probably go with the Marantz, it seems like a steal at $300. |
Bronze Member Username: StoneWest CoastUSA Post Number: 92 Registered: Dec-03 | Good call on the Marantz for 300.00. 80watts per channel will rock your dorm. I have the AVR230 which sounds great but it is pretty under powered. |
New member Username: SpoonfedPost Number: 9 Registered: Sep-04 | "Those panasonic digital receivers might have a load of digital connections but when it comes to power and sound quality the Marantz SR4400 blows it away. If the Marantz has the digital connections you need then it's a no-brainer." I was not refering to the "number" of digital connections (i need only 1 here) im talking out right sound quality. Now if the SR4400 "BLOWS AWAY" the Panny than why are clowns purchasing Arcam AVR300's and Denon 3805's when said Marantz much utterly BLOW them out of the water if it i can blow away the little panny. ![]() Out right power..... yes perhaps the Marantz has more. Out right sound quality it is NOT even in the same ballpack. (unless it is streets ahead of the forementioned Denon/Arcam models in SQ.... in which case it may then be on "par" with the panny) |
Silver Member Username: BilldashillPost Number: 124 Registered: Dec-03 | >>>I was not refering to the "number" of digital connections (i need only 1 here) im talking out right sound quality<<< If the Panny sounds better to you than the Marantz then you are definately in the minority, say 5% of people that have actually done A/B comparisons. Different strokes. |
Silver Member Username: SmittyCanada Post Number: 133 Registered: Dec-03 | Sem,
I'm sorry to hear that. I've always thought H/K would be the perfect dorm receiver because it has a reputation of playing very loud and clear with no distortion (as has been my experience with an older pro-logic AVR30 unit). It seems like they've gone away from this with the AVRx30 series as I've seen quite a few posts about them being underpowered (all the way up to the AVR630). |
Bronze Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 72 Registered: Feb-04 | "I'm sorry to hear that. I've always thought H/K would be the perfect dorm receiver because it has a reputation of playing very loud and clear with no distortion" I'd bet Jeff is one of those who thinks that 100W is so much more than 50W that it makes a huge difference, and not that H/K underperform their specs. What posts say they are underpowered? |
Silver Member Username: SmittyCanada Post Number: 134 Registered: Dec-03 | Peter, well besides Sems' post here I think in the 'Best receiver for DefTech' thread awhile ago the AVR630 was considered underpowered in comparison to the Cambridge Audio 540 - mind you I think the DefTech speakers may be 4ohm, that may be the source of the problem. As well, over on AVS Forum & HT Forum I've seen a few grumbles about the AVRx30 series lacking power. I don't recall seeing any such posts about the previous series AVRx25. Based on that I think I'd seriously consider the AVR325 (I believe you have one of these?) or AVR525 before the newer models. |
New member Username: SpoonfedPost Number: 10 Registered: Sep-04 | jeff, each to their own i guess........... i have yet to see threads though where people have replaced 8k USD 2ch separates setups with a bottom end Marantz ![]() Maybe i got it all wrong... perhaps the bottom end marantz gear eclipses the Arcam AVR300 and Denon 3805 in a similar way the XR45 does.... in which case it is a great option |
Silver Member Username: BilldashillPost Number: 125 Registered: Dec-03 | Spoonfed, I don't know where this got off track. The thread is "find a receiver for under $300 for a dorm room". What you are suggesting is far beyond this persons budget.?. LOL Peter, I resent that dig. I know more about power than you ever will. LOL |
Bronze Member Username: SpoonfedPost Number: 11 Registered: Sep-04 | yeah little off topic.... but the XR45 is in the 'threads' price range.... i mentioned the 3805 and Arcam as "benchmarks" i had compared in the same room/setup vs the XR45. Yes they are way out of the budget.... but they are also behind in sound. |
Bronze Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 74 Registered: Feb-04 | Smitty, yes I have an AVR325. Within a few weeks I should know how it fairs with a 4-ohm load since a friend with 4-ohm Magnat speakers want to try them with it. His Onkyo is not producing much output at max setting. Jeff, sorry about misquoting you. Smitty was quoting a post from Stone, who said the AVR230 was underpowered. So it wasn't you after all. I don't want to start comparing credentials either. :-) In any case, what I meant is that a lot of people think of power in a linear scale as opposed to a log scale. There's more sound difference between 1 and 2 Watts than between 99 and 100W. |
Joey_OldNewbie Unregistered guest | How about _VINTAGE_ SANSUI AU-717 if you can find one!!? Look on ebay - those are vintage - and one in good condition should be available in the under-$200 range. I'm actually serious here! Worm sound, color is just gorgeus, and dynamics, dumping factors... man, they don't make em like that any more! |
Bronze Member Username: BleustarPensacola, Florida Post Number: 93 Registered: Jul-04 | The power issue with the HK AVR230 or 330 is one reason I went with the HK3480 stereo receiver. Two front speakers and a good sub. 120wpc of pure bliss. When I have the urge for maximum volume it is no problem. I will eventually go surround when most of the format wars have subsided. |
Bronze Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 94 Registered: Feb-04 | Bleustar, What is the power issue with HK AVR230 or 330 exactly? Also, what format wars? |
Bronze Member Username: BleustarPensacola, Florida Post Number: 99 Registered: Jul-04 | The power issue was regarding the lower power specs for two channel music (most of what I listen to) of the AVR230 and 330 versus the 3480 two channel receiver. I was leary of the music becoming very unmusical at higher volume levels. I was not able to do a side by side comparison of these, due to my location, so I don't know how much of a difference there actually is. I decided to play it safe and buy the 3480 which is 120wpc. The AVR 330 is 70wpc and the 230 is 65wpc. I'm sure the difference is very slight if at all noticable at average volume levels, but I do frequently play music loud. I have owned other HK receivers as well as Yamaha and Marantz. I do like the HK sound (especially for the price) and have not had a problem with HK in the past. The format wars are regarding the high resolution music formats SACD and DVD Audio and what will become of them as well as BlueRay and DualDisc. The main reason I would purchase a surround AVR receiver would be for these (music) formats, not home theater, although I would enjoy the benefits of that too. I really hope SACD does have staying power. I love the hybrid idea and I personally care more about the music aspect than the video. I suspect that there are many who prefer the video aspect as well. |
Bronze Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 96 Registered: Feb-04 | Bleustar, So the power issue is one of wattage rather than impedence. There's less than 3 dB difference between the AVRs and the 3480, so it only matters if you tend listen at max volume. Regarding formats, I doubt that we will get away from 8 analogue inputs anytime soon, so I wouldn't worry too much about that. My opinion only anyway... |
Bronze Member Username: SpoonfedPost Number: 12 Registered: Sep-04 | re the analog multichannel inputs. I think with HDMI and I-Link coupled with a full digital receiver/amp will be the "ultimate" pure path for HiRes DVD formats. ILink is approved for both HDMI for DVD-A, BlueRay and HD-DVD so surely SACD "should" catch on. |
Bronze Member Username: PetergalbraithRimouski, Quebec Canada Post Number: 100 Registered: Feb-04 | Spoonfed, I stand corrected. Although Bleustar mentionned BlueRay, I wasn't thinking about HDTV when I answered. I don't own one yet. |
Silver Member Username: BleustarPensacola, Florida Post Number: 103 Registered: Jul-04 | Yes, I guess the whole multi-channel music thing is going to stay analog for a very long time. I really do wonder how many people in my age group say (35-50) rip music and don't buy it. I would suspect it is not very high. |