Ampli + cd player for PROAC Super EBT


New member
Username: Plutonix

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-04
by recently I have got 2 used bookshelf speakers (PROAC Super E.B.T.) with stands so now I'd like to change my old hi-fi system (cd player + ampli) without spend too much. My budget is about $1000 (cd + ampli).
Considering that I usually listen instrumental music (classical & new age) what do you think about best match to pilot my Proac speakers?
To control total cost I have considered also to buy used product or new chinese hi-fi product: Shengya, Korsun, Eastsound... Do you have any idea about it?
Thank you in advance for your suggests.

Unregistered guest

I can't give you specific recomendations nor commentary on the amp brands you have mentioned - none of those are available here in Australia, as far as I am aware.

I have had a pair of Proac EBTs (like the Supers, but with lesser tweeters) as my main speakers for many years. I have used a number of amps and CD players. The Proacs are very revealing and can do justice to very expensive electronics. You should audition the amp in particular very carefully, as I have found this component to be critical.

To give you some guide, I use mine with an "ME" amp - this is an Aussie brand, with sound quality (and price) of a similar ilk to Krell, Levinson etc. I have used cheaper ($500 to $2000) Japanese amps and found them at times severly lacking. Some of them have been reasonably good. It will not be impossible to get satisfying sound with your budget, but you need to be careful.

Oddly enough, I have had more success with CD players - anyhting that is reasonably neutral will be at least ok.

Hope this helps.

New member
Username: Plutonix

Post Number: 2
Registered: Sep-04
Thank you for your info.
Now I have just bought an used amp (Accuphase E-204) and I have to decide between two used cd-player (NAD 541i, Arcam cd-62).
In any case I will keep in mind your advises for possible future upgrades.
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