I would appreciate any recommendations for setting up a home theater in a small room in my basement. The room is 12' X 13' with an 8' high ceiling. It has a carpeted floor and sheetrocked walls and ceiling... and no windows.
I have one small room connected to this yamaha computer speaker and sounds good (only $35 on sale now at bestbuy.com - that's all you might need in a small room.
If you want more, you have to spend many folds to gain a little of quality and quantity although the Yammy goes plenty loud. Do we really need 6 or 8 speakers for movies?
These should sound sweet :
NAD L70 - PSB mini comobo at: http://etronics.resultspage.com/display.php?w=sa-wm200&p=Q&ts=dynamic&Store=&ima ge1.x=6&image1.y=5
All the above pieces got good reviews on Hifi magazines - I heard them theother day and they were fun to listen to! Had me dancing on my feet for an hour and a few systems do that for me.
The NAD is small if you want to save space. The second system is bigger sounding and will do music well too - if you listen to music there.
Carpet is good - might want to place a beutful matt (carpet like soft material) on behind the speakers - will sound better.