HK Reciver w/ Klipsch Quintet II ???


New member
Username: Neomachina

Post Number: 2
Registered: 12-2003
I have a Klipsch Quintet II set of home theater speakers with a subwoofer and am considering a HK AVR, maybe a 325 or a 525. I'm not an expert on sound systems.
Anyone out there can help?

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Username: Hteaterjunkie

Post Number: 6
Registered: 12-2003

I haven't heard the Quintets myself but I have heard other Klipsch speakers and if they all have the same kind of sound, then the HK would be a wonderful match. The Klipsch are on the bright side of the spectrum and the HKs have a "laid back" sound. They compliment each other very well. Both of those receivers you have chosen are very good. The only difference between the two is the power they put out. If you can still find either one of them, they offer some of the best bang for the buck around.

Good luck!

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Username: Kegger

Post Number: 17
Registered: 12-2003
hello neo i second theatrejunkie.

he's right on that the klipsch are bright and the
hk is a good fit being a little mello sounding.

i am personally running a pair of klipsch refrence
series with an hk 525 and i highly recomend it.

klipsch speakers can play loud and clear and like
extra power so if you can afford the 525 i would
get it.

New member
Username: Neomachina

Post Number: 3
Registered: 12-2003
Deeply appreciated prompt feedback, Theaterjunkie and Kegger.
Merry Christmas and a beautifull 2004 to both of you.
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