Toshiba SD330E: Amp and spk suggestions pls


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Username: Simon

Post Number: 1
Registered: 12-2003
Hi all, This is my first posting and found this site by chance. I was impressed with what i read, thought I'd ask my own questions.
After a burglary when lost my DVD (earlier model) and old naff system, have replaced the DVD. What would you guys recommend in the way of an amp and spker package? Budget about £200 for each. Have to keep her in doors happy, so if surround sound, needs to be small, but could get away with a couple of floor standing spks up front - for better music. Her in doors wont be impressed with cables running every where though. Happy to get a separate DAB in future. Cheers

New member
Username: Kegger

Post Number: 21
Registered: 12-2003
i personally would go with a 7.1 reciever, maybe
just get 2 good front speakers for now and upgrade as you can.

if you get a descent reciever and 2 speakers you
won't need to upgrade them later along with everything else.

where if you get an all in 1 package you will want
to upgrade everything in it.
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