Carver M-0.5t Power Amplifier With Marantz SR6200 and PSB Stratus Golds


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Username: Feminazi

Post Number: 20
Registered: 12-2003
This is an old Carver power amp, rated at 140 watts into 8 Ohms, so I am assuming well over 200 watts into 4 Ohms. I purchased this unit on Ebay to use as a power amp with my Marantz SR6200 to power my Sratus Golds.

Will this be a compatible match? I have read generally great reviews of Carver products, and I assume that this will sound even better than it does now.

Can you guys please let me know what you think? If it doesn't work out, I will sell it, probably for a profit.


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Username: Kegger

Post Number: 23
Registered: 12-2003
it should work with no problem just hook it to
your preamp outs for the front speakers
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