24 vs 32 bit processor


New member
Username: Axlrose19802002

Post Number: 10
Registered: 12-2003
i'm looking at some marantz receivers between $300 and $400 and wondering what the difference is between the 24 and 32 bit processing chip (?). i'm i going to notice the difference if they both have six channels with plenty of discrete power? thanks.

New member
Username: Axlrose19802002

Post Number: 11
Registered: 12-2003
okay, so i'm clear, i'm looking at the 24 bit vs 32 bit chipset which seems to be one of the few things other than a little bit of wattage between the 4400 and the 5400.

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Username: Andrew1165

Post Number: 3
Registered: 12-2003
As a consumer, you shouldn't worry, -- properly implemented algorithms should yeild the same output doesn't matter what internal processor register size is. As a developer, you should, at least to trade off easier implementation on 32 bit processor vs. extra cost of chip.

On practice there is always a temptation to cut a corner or two when working with weaker processor so there are chances some processing is not performed with sufficient precision on 24-bit proc because devs were lazy. Or 24-bit proc may be not fast enough to perform some stages of processing in higher resolution, so devs had to make some sacrifices here and there (though it shouldn't happen with properly designed product: processor should be choosen so it has enough capacity to do the job).

On another hand, 32-bit proc may be new line so chances of hitting a bug in the software on new product line are higher.

As you see, the only way to tell is to try and see for yourself, though I would be surprised if you will notice dramatic difference: likely differences will be very subtle and caused by slight differences in processing algorithms, not by processors themselves.

Gook luck!

-- Andrew
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