What if I....


Unregistered guest
..were to buy for 6 ohm towers, and run them in series(or is it paralel), then would I have 2 twelve ohm loads on my amp? How do I run the speakers in series/paralel? Thanks

New member
Username: Geekboy

Post Number: 18
Registered: 12-2003
So, I'm not sure what you're asking now. Are you wondering if all 4 -- if that's the question -- are hook up in series or parallel, what the impedence would be? If that's your question... then the answer is:

in parallel: 1.5ohms 1/(1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6 + 1/6)
iIn series: 24ohms (6+6+6+6)

If you asking for 4 towers... each 2 on one side of the amp and 2 on the other side of the amp, then it is:

in parallel: 3ohms 1/(1/6 + 1/6)
in series: 12ohms

Of impedance for that amp channel.

Unregistered guest
Thanks, that answers my question. The speakers im hooking up are Yamaha NS555's. I will be hooking them up to a Kenwood VR7080. The amp seems to run really hot when I hook them up normally. So if I hook them up in series(and put only a 12ohm load on the receiver), then do you think the amp would run alot cooler?

New member
Username: Geekboy

Post Number: 19
Registered: 12-2003
I don't know what could help. You could just be driving the receiver at high output or, yes, it could be the load on the amplifier from the 6ohm speakers... perhaps even, if they're in parallel, having a nominal impedance of 3ohms. I would be surprised, however, that your receiver didn't go into protection mode.

My Kenwood KR-V990D has a 4-6ohm/8ohm switch on the back. The VR7080 doesn't have this impedance matching switch. The KR-V990D also has a fan built-in for cooling... since it operates at 5.2amps (624watts), while the VR7080 runs at about 3amps (360watts) at full power.
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