Yamaha rx-777 and Klipsch Forte Speaker= TOO BRIGHT


Bob Doherty
I have a this setup and find it too bright. I'm torn between changing speakers or changing the reciever in an effort to warm things up. I was thinking for speakers I would go with a pair of Paradigm Monitor 3's, or maybe a B&W 602's or one of the PSB speakers. I know that's a big downward jump in terms of bass but I really think the room these speakers are in is too small and a smaller speaker would work better. Plus I can always pick up a subwoofer at a later date. These speakers seem to have a reputation as being warmer sounding so I thought they might be a good combination with the Yamaha.

If I change receiver I was thinking maybe Marantz,Denon,NAD,Harmon Kardon. he Klipsch forum really contends that tube is the way to go with horns. I just don't want to go tube.

I would appreciate any help here.

You are correct in that Yamaha and Klipsch together is very bright. If you like your Klipsch listen to H/K,NAD, Marantz and Elite. Denon and Klipsch is to bright also and I have heard this combo many times at a local dealer.

Bob Doherty

Can you recommend a speaker that could be a better match for my Yamaha RX-777 receiver. It's brand new with 100wpc and while I like the Klipsch(brightness aside) I think I would rather trade them in on a smaller pair and then later add a sub.

Paradigm and PSB work best with Yamaha IMO.

Don't you want a multichannel receiver or are you not interested in home theater? The 777 is only a stereo unit.
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