Was pretty set on getting an Onkyo TX-NR801 with Axiom M22, V150, QS8s, and a VTF-2. Mostly a HT listener...want 6.1 with 7.1 future.
Liked the Onkyo because it has a rich feature set, pretty good reviews and can get it for $800. I've also heard it's a good match for the Axioms.
Reading this board, I'm beginning to think I might do better with an HK 630 or 7200. So a couple of questions: - Is the HT quality of HKs worth giving up some of the features on the Onkyo? - Is there a compelling reason to get HK 7200 vs 630...didn't see much in the specs?
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The 7200 is on close-out right now and is a better buy than the 630 as it is a step up the model line from the 525 which the 630 replaces. Th3 7200 is a very powerful receiver that more than meets it's rated power which while the Onkyo has good sound cannot do. Only you can answer the question about features. While I like the 7200 better I can't buy it because of it's limited inputs. Faced with your 2 choices I would be forced to buy the Onkyo. If you only need a few inputs get the 7200.