How can I add a sub to my stereo?


Can someone explain how I can add a subwoofer to my system? I have an old Nakamichi receiver 3 with A/B speaker selection. I would rather add an active sub rather then having my receiver power it because of its power restriction.


Paul T
Just run lines from speaker B to sub and adjust accordingly... I did it this way before I bought a receiver with a sub out.. works great, I actually found I got more power when I ran it that way vs sub line out on new receiver but the new receiver allows me more accurate settings of which signal goes to mains and sub.. just make sure the powered sub you get allows you to set frequency so you can adjust it with your main speakers.

Thats what I thought but I wasen't sure. Would it work the same if I doubled up and ran the sub wires from speaker A? I heard if you select speaker A and B the receiver has to work harder. I know the sub has its own amp but will the receiver still suffer the power loss going to my main speakers?

Thanks again

You can also try using the Left side of REC/Out from your receiver if you have a powered sub. Youmay have to play with the cut off frequencies since you will be receiving the full spectrum.

Anonymous, you can take the signal off your speaker A output as well as your speakers. Your sub input impedance will be 50K to 100K ohms, while the speakers' are 4 to 8 ohms. You won't notice the difference either way.
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