I've spent far to much time on deciding on the amp to push my Paradigm Studio 40's, and was considering the Rotel 1065 and the NAD 773, beings though I have a small surplus of funds. Now in my search I have come across separates at a reciever price of $1598 direct from Outlaw. Does anyone have the Outlaw 950/7100 package who can reccommend yay or nay compared to my other options?
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My neighbor has that Outlaw package. For the money it is pretty much impossible to get better amplification and a better pre-amp. It will have no problem with the Paradigm's or most other speakers for that matter.
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You can't go wrong with the Outlaw Combo...unfortunately, I only have the 7100 driving Axioms and Athenas with a Kenwood KRF9070d serving duty as pre/pro. The improvement with the 7100 is amzing as opposed to just the receiver alone,stereo sound is much improved. cheers