I believe this is a discontinued line from Monitor but at one time were their high-end in the silver series. I believe they normally retailed at $2,000 and I am getting a deal for them for $1,200. Should I pursue this deal? Is it bad to purchase an older line? I was thinking about the S6s at $8-900 but for $300, is i worth it?
Understand your point about the bronze but I think that is the bronze 1 or 2, right? Isn't the silver 9 the predeccor of the silver 10 i.e. a much higher end speaker than the bronze series?
Yes. The silver 9 and 10 are much higher end than the bronze. I have a silver system and bronze b1 in the kitchen and love them all. You can't lose any way you go between the 9 or buying new 8's or 10's or even 6's. All great.