Marantz 5300 vs. 5400


Just wondering if anyone has heard the new 5400 in comparison to the 5300. Just looking at the specifications though I'm a little wary. If you look closely, the 5400 is 3 lbs lighter and the THD is 0.08% compared to 0.05% in the 5300. It also seems like it's selling for cheaper than the 5300. I'm just wondering if Marantz has gone cheaper for the 5400 and if it has affected the sound or quality. From this forum it seems like the 5300 was nearly a universal thumbs up. Personally, I'm still trying to decide on a receiver. Looking at HK 325 or 525 and now the Marantz.

How could anyone have heard on the 5400? It wont be available until december!

Dude, It's December 3rd already. Duuuhh.

Onecall has the 5400 for sale as well as some other online sites. Maybe it is too early. But any comments on the changes between the 5300 and 5400? Anybody think it will make a difference? Should I just stay with considering the 5300 rather than the 5400?

david r
I listened to the 5400 12-1-03 at Harveys in NJ. Listened on Boston spkrs and was impressed. Not sure what the difference is bewtween 5300 & 5400 in quality or upgrades. Harveys wanted $700 for 5300 or 5400 (odd eh?) The 5300 is available for $499 at

Is 5300 no brainer as I could not discern audible difference and I cant find 5400 on sale online?

The 5400 has 2 Component Inputs and 1 Out
5300 None

Yeah! That's right but why anyone would put a component signal through a receiver is beyond me as it will only lower the quality of the final picture.

Thanks for the response David. I guess the weight change didn't have any significant difference on the fabled Marantz sound. Anybody else have thoughts?

david r
All the "experts" seem to consistently implore that a heavier receiver is always a better product than a comparable one that weighs less. The 5300 is 2lbs heavier than the 5400. Is it better? Dont know-and 2 inputs and one output cant weigh 2 lbs can they?

That was my original question, whether the 5400 is of lesser quality than the 5300. Yeah I don't know whether 2-3 lbs really makes that much of a difference. The 5400 has the component inputs and outputs, but I really don't need them. Maybe I should just consider the 5300 just to be safe. Thoughts?

I thinking of getting the new sr7400 online, (USD$699) (USD$739) (USD$759) (USD$765)

anyone know where can I get better deal than the above link?
for speaker, where can I buy the Monitor B4, B2, BC and asw100 package online? 'sara internation. inc' do best for USD$1200+-

The differences between 5300 and 5400, according to each's spec sheet, are roughly this:
- 7.1-channel expandability (5300 only had 6.1 capability, I believe)
- "Tru-Surround Headphone" surround-sound circuitry
- "custom" DSP chipset (as opposed to 5300's Crystal-brand chipset)
- Video component switching, with two component ins and 1 out
- 5400 is about 2 pounds lighter than 5300
- faceplace is now an alloy instead of milled aluminum
- THD is .008 percent (5400) instead of .005 percent (5300)
- Current feedback topology (not present in 5300)-- slightly lower S/N ratio on FM and AM tuner

The 'custom' chipset and alloy faceplate worry me. The 5400 certainly is updated in terms of future expandability and inputs (the lack of component video switching was a major minus on the 5300), but I fear Marantz cut a few corners.

That's why I think I'm going to just consider the 5300 if I can still get one. Doesn't seem like anybody has heard the 5400 yet, but the 5300 has gotten great reviews from everybody including the people (who have pretty high standards) on this board.

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Username: David_r

Post Number: 20
Registered: 12-2003
Amadeuz: just lowered the price of the 5300 to $399

Unregistered guest
The front panel fo the 5400 looks just a little different fromt he 5300. (Saving on aluminum costs a tad?..)

Specs seems similar in power, and the previous poster was right-- the 5400 now has component video ins/out. Just to have it, I'm sur,e since all the other amps in this price range have it for a while. I plug my DVD video out directly to the set so I don't really need this.

I'm buying a close out SR5300 tomorrow for $399.


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Username: Cgsauer

Post Number: 9
Registered: 12-2003
Anybody know of a good place to buy the 5300, is out of stock.

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