Ok, here we go, as the title suggests I have a Kenwood KA-5010 Amplifier which has been superb in use, until it stopped playing, or so i thought.
What happened was, I was happily listening to a floyd track pretty loud and the music stopped, didn't touch anything, no one else was in the room, no storm outside, no atmospheric anomalies, the music just stopped playing, the source Pioneer CD player has been tested on another Amp, its fine.
I have discovered I get music from the headphone jack to ANY VOLUME I want, continually without any problems, IF THE SPEAKER SELECTION SWITCH IS OFF.
while listening on headphones If I select speaker output A or B or A+B then the music cuts out as I turn the volume up at a fairly low level, if I then turn the volume all the way to zero and slowly start to turn it up I have music again, also, when the music cuts out if I turn the volume down slowly then the music comes back before the volume control gets to zero.
I get no music from the speakers on channel A, channel B, or when both are selected together, my speakers are BW560's and have tested OK, both of my pairs are NOT cross wired.
If I select any speaker output the amp makes a clicking noise internally for each selection made.