I would like to send a "mono-fied" signal to a Polk Audio s35 soundbar. The soundbar has one positive and one negative terminal. I would LIKE to have the information from both L and R channels fed to that soundbar...reduced to mono, since it has only one set of terminals. I have been told to NOT wire together, two speaker leads (L and R channel) to achieve mono. I have heard that it messes with the amp and might actually reduce the whole amp to mono. Aside from switching all signals to mono, system-wide, on the amp OR choosing just ONE of the stereo channels to send to the soundbar, what choice have I? Would I have to have another amp to power the sound bar?...with an RCA cable from tape-out on my main amp, into an AUX-IN into the second amp ...with that amp switched to MONO to drive the soundbar?