6 ohm speaker on a 4 ohm car amp


New member
Username: Gongunner

Post Number: 1
Registered: Mar-18
Hi everyone i'mstarting to build a little sound for my room. Im a dj and I mix electronic music with an allen and heath and Im getting bored of my oldsound system (90's aiwa) (I will only use the speakers) These have an impedance of 6 ohms : https://k50.kn3.net/taringa/A/0/B/C/C/2/gongnr22/343.png

I would like to use these speakers for mid and hi frequencies. And on the floor a subwoofer. All this connected to a car amp thats works in 4-2 ohms.

My question : Can I connect the two speakers in parallel to a bridge 1 and 2. And the sub to a bridge 3 and 4? Here the amp :

Thank you very much !!

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 18503
Registered: May-04

It will work.

Why not just buy a decent home amplifier? Kludges always sound like kludges.


New member
Username: Gongunner

Post Number: 2
Registered: Mar-18
I have an Aiwa component but all frequencies are emitted by the same speaker and is cumbersome so i don't like this mini amp . Later finally I connected the aiwa speakers to a Home 5.1 (It has a small woofer of poor quality, although it is better than the aiwa amp) After this test with the 5.1 home and the aiwa speakers on the table I was thinking about the project mentioned above. I would like to buy a well-known subwoofer 10' (Pioneer) and on top of a table position the aiwa speakers and everything I mentioned in the post. Is it a bad idea? Will it sound dirty? The amp has 80 Watts RMS (20W per channel)
And the Aiwa speakers according to the manufacturer support up to 60 Rms

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 18504
Registered: May-04

Speakers tend to sound dirty when you overdrive the amp into clipping.

Best advice, when you begin to hear distortion, turn down the volume.

https://www.google.com/search?q=what+is+amplifier+clipping&rlz=1CAACAY_enUS754US 756&oq=what+is+amplifier+clipping&aqs=chrome..69i57.5729j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie= UTF-8

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