Audio OP-MAP Based on LM358


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Username: Tree1995

Post Number: 2
Registered: May-17
Audio OPAMP Based on LM358
I have built a microphones audio amplifier circuit using LM358 according to the following circuit diagram.
Now I am confusing about three following questions:
1). how many is the actual magnification if I change R5 directly to be a 1M resistance?
2). What is the purpose to get median between the positive and negative resistance in the input terminal of amplifier?
3). Is this circuit belong to reverse amplification? Or positive amplification? The real effect is worse than single-op-amp even I magnify R5 to be 20K.
Some people may ask me why here use LM358? Because I think I need the single power to provide 5V. According to the datasheet of LM358,it�€™s more suitable and up to now,the effect could be accepted.
Could anybody here solve my problems?
Thanks a lot !

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 18445
Registered: May-04

Take your question here;

New member
Username: Tree1995

Post Number: 3
Registered: May-17
Thank you for your kind remind!

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Username: Danmathew

United States

Post Number: 9
Registered: Dec-17
Where you want to use this circuit?

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Username: Lauribuell

Post Number: 1
Registered: Nov-18
Well you could make a VCO with square and sawtooth waveform outputs as shown in the DS. That's useful tool for a workbench depending on what else you're into.
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