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Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 18312
Registered: May-04

Go elsewhere for answers to car audio questions.

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 3439
Registered: Oct-07
No way to totally get rid of them any more than I can get rid of the rats and roaches living in the garage down the street.

Just so they don't migrate to YOUR garage, is about all one can hope for.

I got the SAME marketing call this AM. Lady comes on, chuckles and says something about her headphones being a problem. SAME CALL.

Now? How do I clean out THAT big of Vermin?

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 18409
Registered: May-04

I would say, first, stop thinking about someone trying to make a living as "vermin".

That's all this is, leo, someone trying to make a living.

They're not going to take your money unless you allow them to do so. Consider this might be a single mother with a kid at home that she's trying to support. Her life is no bed of roses so don't make it any worse for her by treating her like scum. She's not allowed to fight back so you're picking on a defenseless person.

What?! you like to punch guys wearing glasses too?

Be polite but insistent. What's it going to cost you? One minute out of your entire life?

Most telemarketing set ups have a way to opt out of their calls. BUT you have to either get the caller on your side so they'll take you off the list - you do that by being polite but insistent - or you have to wait until the end of a recorded call.

If you want to minimize these calls - you'll never stop them completely cause these are almost the modern day equivalent to sweat shops, some jerk*ff making money off those who simply need to work- you simply need to be polite and tell the caller you want to be removed from their list.

Just do that, leo.

Oh, and don't forget the bill the R's are passing through Congress that Big Orange will sign which allows the ISP's the "privilege" of selling your information to enrich themself and bother the crap out of you.

You just voted FOR this sh!t to get a lot worse, leo.

That's what I'm p!ssed about!

If you don't want your information to be spread near and wide with every telemarketer within 2,000 miles calling you, don't vote for the sh!theads who see you only as a source of income.

Otherwise, just for a little while, think about the person doing the calling and don't be a jack*ff to them. They're just trying to put food on their table and clothes on their kids.

Be polite for just one minute. OK?


Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 3440
Registered: Oct-07
It is a recording, I think, making it even MORE offensive. I know others who have gotten the same call, even on their CELL phone.

I'm on the Do-Not-Call list. I think laws should be passed making telemarketers Phone #s available so I can find 'em and SUE for
such violations.

During SoCal heyday of Solar, I got at least 5 to 8 calls weekly. Sometimes mid-dinner, and always at the wrong time.

I got a real estate call once. Very offensive. They told me my WIFE told them our house could be for sale. Utter Rubbish. I asked if he heard it himself and he said it was someone in the back office (pass the buck!) I told him my wife had been dead for 6 months and now HOW DID YOU HEAR THAT my house was for sale? No answer.
My wife was laughing pretty good. 'You killed me!' she gasped.

So, you believe the Do-Not-Call list should be outlawed? Trust me, if I think I need something or want something, I'm not above making a few calls myself.
I have no sympathy for them.

What about the guy calling from the IRS and demanding you pay what you owe RIGHT THIS MINUTE or they'll sue? Or the guy offering Free Trips to Hawaii or Florida?
All are Parasites contributing NOTHING to society or its betterment.

I'll bet the Best of the Telemarketer folks make into the 6 digit $$$ range and are in no-way needing anyones 'sympathy'. What a sap.

Polite? the best you can hope for from me is that I simply hang up. That's about my 90% of the time response.

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 3441
Registered: Oct-07
I hear 'ya about the new / old ISP rules.

And here in California? Read up on our new tax hikes. I'm sure it's gonna drive a few more people out of state, leaving the remainder to
foot the bill for what can only be described as 'government out of control'.

California will now have the highest gas prices in the country. Including Hawaii, but maybe not Alaska. This means EveryThing delivered by truck will now cost more. Diesel fuel is taxed differently (higher) than auto gasoline.

Car registration is already wacky $$ with more to come. Grey Davis got bounced partly because of his DMV fee hikes. See how THAT worked out?
A new car cost (formerly) about 10% additional for taxes and fees. This depends somewhat on where you live. If you live in a place with high sales tax, that is collected at point of sale, regardless of the tax rate of the sellers market.
I'm sure that's now going UP.
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