Technics cd player sl-p550


New member
Username: Pdomingos

Post Number: 1
Registered: Sep-16
Hello just bought a vintage Technics cd player the SL-P550 2DAC 18 Bit, wich is super fast access and play but just for 3 of my cds??? I tried several others (more than 50 music original cd) and the disc spins super fast and its not recognized and stops. Could it be most of cds are 24 bit recordings and this vintage player cant read it?, is there anyway i could fix this problem? i really love this player and it doesnt make sense it reads just some cds... would apriciate some help, thanks in advance.

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 18286
Registered: May-04

You're confused about bit rate and CD's. If there is a "CD" insignia on the label of the disc, it is a 16 bit format. International standards insist it must be a 16 bit format. Period.

The mix may have been done at 24 bits but the CD itself MUST be finalized at 16 bits.

The 18 bit DAC in the player is using a technologically debatable technique to convert digital bits to an analogue music stream. It is still reading a 16 bit disc.

If the bulk of your CD discs will not set up, you bought a broken vintage player.

This is a common issue as players get older and the laser assembly no longer tracks the subcode data at the start of a disc.

IF you can find someone willing to look at the unit, you may get by with a thorough cleaning on the laser rails and a replacement of the old grease with new. Then the laser will be re-aligned to standard tracking functions.

Most shops will be less interested in repairing old CD players for many reasons. Mostly, old, broken CD players are discarded/recycled and you go buy new.


Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 3381
Registered: Oct-07
Some players MIGHT have a way to turn up the intensity of the laser.

But that's probably not the fix. Even relubricating the laser mechanism probably won't do it.

Problems center around the Laser, as Jan notes. Spares are difficult to obtain, even if the mechanism is one of the more popular ones, like maybe sourced from SONY or PHILIPS.

The brand is owned by PANASONIC. I don't know if Panasonic makes transports or not.

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Username: Minuiano

Post Number: 9
Registered: May-17
Laser issue probably,open and clean with alcohol and ear stick
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