Karmon Kardon AVR525 on closeout at oupost.com


Nate Raymond
$499 when you add it to your cart. Approx. $15 shipping and handling, ground.

P Willy
nice price, but they are not listed at HK as an authorized dealer...is that something to worry about?

Nate Raymond
Fry's Electronics is, and outpost.com is Fry's Electronics online storefront, so I imagine it's all legit.

I don't even see it listed on Outpost.com. Is it gone already? Wonder how cheap it will be in the next Fry's ad on Friday? I remember last year the HK 320 went for $299 during the after Thanksgiving sale. I bought one quickly.

P Willy
I couldn't find it today either. Luckily I got my order in yesterday and it has already shipped!
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