Hey guys, for the past few months I've had a ticking/clicking noise coming through my guitar amp, pc speakers and headphones. It also appears to come through my microphone on skype, as others in my skype call can hear it. If anyone has any suggestions as to causes/remedies I would greatly appreciate it
First, if you look at the top of the page, you'll see this is the "home audio" forum. Your guitar amp may be used at home but it isn't "home audio".
Otherwise, your post is simply lacking in sufficient information to even provide an educated guess at a cause. A wild guess would start you off looking at any electrical circuit or device which is common to both your amp and your computer.
It's a valid question in any forum because it most probably is related to an external power surge, bad cap either in the DC supply or faulty cable or connector. You would use the same technique to analyze the problem. First see if it's present when the input is disconnected then replace the instrument with another source, etc, etc.
I almost answered this question because I misread it to be related to a musical instrument amplifier. I was about to say that it is a valid question in any forum because home, commercial, car and musical instrument amps all have something in common.
PC audio? - all bets are off troubleshooting can be affected by anything from cheap DAC's to the Internet to a myriad of issues like having plugged a fan into the same phase as the computer.
Try a computer audio forum. It's not a worthwhile topic for a real audiophile or audio engineer like myself