I purchased a Panasonic SA-AK47 5 cd stereo in 1998 for $500. The unit (when the CD player does work) sound is phenomenal with the Super Woofers! However, like all Panasonic shelf systems I've ever owned, the CD player's laser tracking system eventually goes after about 10-12 years. My CD player can barely play a CD and cannot skip from track to track or cd to cd as it totally sticks and freezes up. When stuck, you will hear a whirring sound for 1-10 ten minutes before the CD will eventually play. My question is: is the CD portion reparable at an affordable price or should I look for a replacement unit? If repair is an option, what would the typical ballpark charge/fee be? I really love this stereo for its sound but don't know if it would be worth the cost to repair the CD player. The cassette deck still works fine. New Panasonic shelf systems are running from $600-$800 for two different models. No one can touch Panasonic shelf systems for their rich bass Super Woofer speakers and clear treble. The sound is one-of-a-kind! My audio tech here in Pittsburgh said the lasers on the late 1990's Panasonic players are very hard to find/purchase. Please help ASAP! Thanks.
Given the cost to buy a new unit with a warranty and likely more features, how much are you willing to spend on repairing this player? In other words, what is it's current value to you? And, what price would sway you into purchasing a new unit?