Yesterday, I picked up one of these receivers for $40 at a thrift store. It's in mint condition, very well cared for. It's black and has a digital tuner, so it can't be too old. I tried finding out when it was in production to no avail. Anyone know how old it might be?
Nope. The mass market companies change model lines each and every year. Eventually, most begin to repeat model numbers. Try calling an Onkyo service center. They might have some records of when this was produced.
Thanks Jan. A guy I spoke to on another forum thinks it's from the 90s which as about as old as it could possibly be. However, it looks as if it was just taken out of the box. If it was made in the 90s, It was extremely well cared for by a non-smoker. It works perfectly, none the control identifiers are faded, etc. If it's as new as it looks, makes one wonder why it was parted with so soon and donated to a thrift shop? I'd think someone would want to get what they could for it. (shrugs shoulders)
Well Jan, I took your advice and called Onkyo. The gentleman I spoke to says that it's a 90s model without question. He couldn't find a manual for it or other confirmation, but he's certain that it's from the 90. Either way, it was a blessing to find it. Cheers!