Bronze Member
Username: Amir

Post Number: 67
Registered: Jul-04
Hello everybody!

I am thinking about buying MARANTZ PM-KI PEARL LITE amplifier.

Now I own of the NAD C370 and I am very satisfied from it.

But it's capacitors should be replaced (and I can not get from anyplace it's new NAD cd294 100v 1000uf 105c 4 PINS capacitors...) cause same of them are not looked good the they sound is heard less good than it was when it was before 4 years...

Do you think that MARANTZ PM-KI PEARL LITE amp. will be better than my NAD?

Platinum Member
Username: Artk

Albany, Oregon USA

Post Number: 16408
Registered: Feb-05
Those late model Marantz amps are pretty impressive.
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