Why is it the trolls always resort to doing a Google search on me? Always the ones who won't post under their real name. I find that to be very, very creepy.
Wish I could return the favor. Life here would be far more pleasant if that could happen.
Why don't you try for one week to be sweet and helpful and not your regular insulting self when you have nothing to offer?
That's you, Orne, nothing to offer other than ad hominems against me and insults to everyone else when you have nothing helpful. You're wasting everyone's time. Peter doesn't need you adding 70 posts to his thread just to be insulting to me. He's asked you to butt out. Do so. Don't go around insulting people's equipment. Don't argue you are always right when you are not. Literally, NO ONE has told you you have been right - not once! NOT ONCE! Being obstinate and bullheaded is not being helpful. No one has said you have been helpful. Therefore, ...
How many threads have you butted your way into since you first showed up here? Too many that haven't been active for months or years, that's for sure. The sure sugn of a troll. How many people have thanked you? None. How many people have thanked me? Several. Why? I have not insulted them as you claim. I have had something beneficial to tell them and they have, in response, thanked me. Get used to it. I help people here, you do not.
How many people have told you to stay away from their thread? One. Did you? No, you argued with Peter. Another sure sign of a troll. Those are the facts. Whatever your idea of being helpful is, you aren't doing it here. Just the opposite from the above stated facts.
As Chris said, you don't know a d@mn thing about what occurred at Stereophile. But every troll I have ever encountered has gone looking for something about my personal life they could use against me. That's sick! It's just GD sick! No one here or anywhere else gives a rip what occurred at the Stereophile forums. It's been brought up long before you arrived, every troll goes looking. You're just the latest to look. And no one here cares. So your thread is simply another personal attack that you say makes you "helpful". That too, is sick.
Who on this forum has thanked you for anything? No one. Who on the forum has told you you are disruptive to the forum? Everyone.
C'mon, fella, it's really old and it's really unproductive. There must be something better you can do with your time. Try for one week to be a productive member of the forum. That means don't do what you have done to this point because the sort of help you've posted, we don't need more of.
Don't argue, please. Just play nice. I promise you, no troll has lasted on this forum. They all eventually wear out. I remain. Get over it. You can be a troll for as long as you like but I will be here when you are long gone. Look around you. You see anymore trolls attacking me? No, they've all pulled their schtick - the same schtick yop're pulling now - and eventually they all go away when they don't get the response they want. We can cut you off from all the attention you desire at any time. Attention is a troll's life blood and we can cut you off.
Why waste everyone's time while you're here? It will not turn out well. I promise.
Am I being confrontational? HE11 YES!!! It's what you want, isn't it? You want to play a game so you can get extra attention. OK, I can insult you forever if that's really why you came here. What does that accomplish? Nothing, we just F up a bunch of threads. Is that really that much fun?
Again, you confuse 'helpful' with 'what you want to hear'.
A number of years ago when I was in photo retailing a fellow who owned some kind of business furniture business came in and said he wanted to buy a Hasselblad outfit and lighting equipment, backgrounds, etc., because he didn't want to pay a pro to do it, and he wanted me to show him how to do all this (I have studio photography experience). I told him nicely that he should leave the photography to the pros, and that I would not help him do this, not because I have any particular fondness for the pros, but because I know what is involved. It's harder than it looks and is very time-consuming. He left in a huff, and came back and bought the stuff from another salesman when I wasn't there, and made sure I didn't get credit for the sale.
Well, a few months or a year later he brought all the stuff back, and said I was right after all (I had moved on).
So, I don't regard the fact that no-one has thanked me now as particularly significant.
Apparently you don't regard the fact that advice dispensed by others has been thanked as particularly significant either. So if you hear nothing you assume you're right, and if someone tells you you're wrong you assume they'll eventually come around to you're line of thinking, and if someone agrees with someone else you again assume time will cure that, and eventually they'll see the light and realize you we're right all along. Pretty much sum it up Ornello ?
So, you're right all the time then. Glad we got that cleared up.
It depends. I was merely pointing out that there is a distinction between 'helpful' and 'what you want to hear'.
When I told the customer that he really should leave the photography to the pros, he didn't want to hear it. When he brought back all the stuff later and said I was right after all....well draw your own conclusion.
I was merely trying to save him the trouble of learning the hard way. Some people are stubborn and have to learn things the hard way.
Yes, I can be and am wrong from time to time. We all are.
My point is how we treat others.
That is why Jan had trouble at Stereophile, and why I am complaining about him here.
While I worked in photo retailing (many moons ago), I developed a reputation as someone to talk to who knew his stuff. After I quit, I ran into someone at a party who knew me, and he was disappointed, because he said that he and others had come to rely upon my opinions about equipment and materials.
Ok, so we've at least established you can be wrong. That's real progress. So, keeping that in mind, what would you say to a person who dislikes someone that 99% of the people get along with just fine. What would you tell them ?
But you have no knowledge of that situation. AND you had your mind made up prior to that didn't you ?......which is why you starting trolling for information about Jan.....which is extremely disgusting BTW. You should be ashamed of yourself.
You went looking because everyone here told you you were off base (and you were) but you couldn't possibly be a troll (which you are). Face it fella, that Stereophile report has ZERO to do with your behavior here. Nothing. For heavens sake you could be an axe murdurer for all we know. We don't know who you are. You don't know who I am. We hopefully treat each other with a moniker of respect because we just....don't....know. And that's what civil people do.
Now, you can continue to shift the focus of your behavior over to Jan all you want, but the fact is, you own your own behavior. It yours and yours alone. So, clean it up. Act like a respectful visitor here, instead of some know-it-all troll on a vendetta to screw up every thread he touches. You drove Peter off (not Jan....YOU) with your self absorbed "advice", please don't drive off anyone else.
My behaviour? Are you joking? Where is Rod Serling?
You cannot be serious.
I looked for info about Jan because of HIS behaviour HERE, and not surprisingly I found it.
I have done NOTHING wrong.
Regarding 'what people want to hear':
People ask why their records sound noisy, and it's because records are an inferior medium prone to noise. There are other problems with records: Styli wear out. Inner groove distortion. Warp. Eccentricity. Non-fill. Do people want to hear this? Of course not. But it's true. Get rid of your records and enjoy good CDs on a good player.
One of the happiest days of my life was in 1988 when I dumped most of my 1200 LPs.
People desperately want to believe lots of things that are false.
That is how Nigerian scams work, why weight-loss pills and hair restoration products do so well.
You know that's not true. It doesn't matter how often you say it, it still nonsense. I know "what you want to hear" is that you're not a troll. But you are. You're an internet troll. Congratulations.
Carry on. I'm not wasting any more time with you. Good luck finding someone that enjoys being talked down to.
I wish Jan stays in this forum for a long time. His opinion is very professional and based on years of experiences. Who cares about good or bad manners when his knowledge about the field is plenty and is full of wise advises. If he was going to be banned of this forum, it would be a huge loss.
Jan thinks you're me. I haven't been here in a couple of months. I never got along with Jan and I posted the stereophile kicking out of him some time ago.
As Art stated, AudioKarma is much more strictly monitored, so if you can't handle Jan's presence, go there instead. I have been active there since August and find it much more enjoyable. They have a general audio forum and a music forum (why talk about audio if you don't listen to music, right?). Otherwise, if you continue to fight with Jan, you'll just be an outcast like a guy named Plymouth and me in this forum.
Personally, I just don't think it's wise to put your real name or city or residence on an online forum. That has nothing to do with Jan at all. There are identity thieves and other people that should not know anything about any of us and I certainly do not suspect Jan of being that type of person. If he were, he'd either be in jail or changing nicknames frequently in order to avoid being caught.
Get a life guys. I have been doing this internet forum thing for a whole bunch of years and haven't had anything but good come from using my name and naming my home community. There are lots of bad people in the world and an awful lot of good ones too.
I don't have a problem with aliases either. As long as the individual behind the mask behaves as though he/she is in the full light of day. Remember that integrity is about what you do when no one is watching you.
Okay Art, but even you don't post your last name and I hope you never do. It's a bad risk. Plain and simple. One of the many reasins why don't do social networks is because people use their real names and many have suffered for it. Everything from ID theft to being stalked and murdered has happened to people because their real names, places of residence and other info are exposed to people who'd never have heard of them otherwise.
I post my last initial on most forums, James. I tell folks where I live and work. If someone wants to find me and can't that speaks more to their inability to think critically than my being secretive. I am not concerned about it. I am ok if you or anyone else is. No real big deal to me.
And threads like this would be the single reason why i no longer post here. I deleted my old account long ago. The long time members that posted while i was active here are gone (save a few). This forum has gone to pot, and is never returning to how it was
That's for sure, Gav. Sorry to see it too, as I had a lot invested in this forum. I still enjoy audio forums...Audiokarma and Pink Fish as well as the music area at Hoffman. Hope to see you at one of those one day. I now have more posts at AK than any other forum. Nominated for member of the year (more than once now) there which has been an honor. Peace Gav and I hope all is well for you and your family.