Nad c370 VS marantz 6004 pm vs ymaha a - s500?


Bronze Member
Username: Amir

Post Number: 65
Registered: Jul-04
Which of the three more accurate bass and has a deeper bass?

The Marantz pm 6004pm have a possible to connect a power cable would make music sound more sharp.

I have the power cable Wire World - stratus 5 at home...

Gold Member
Username: Magfan


Post Number: 2792
Registered: Oct-07
Given the amp is NOT run into clipping, the answer is 'it depends'.
It depends on how each amp responds to the particular load the speaker presents. This is more complicated than impedance and sensitivity.
The true load of a speaker is also reactive....having either a capacitive or inductive characteristic, depending on frequency. A highly capacitive or inductive load, especially at frequencies where the impedance is minimum, will place unique stress on an amplifier.
While the above amps may measure similarly into a resistor, this is also, at 8 ohms, a load quite unlike a 'real' speaker.

So, the short answer again? It depends on how well the amp responds to the real load of the speaker attached.

Speaker design also plays a role in perceived bass, but that's another question:

Platinum Member
Username: Jan_b_vigne

Dallas, TX

Post Number: 17277
Registered: May-04

Deeper bass? How deep do you want? Your hearing begins to fall off rapidlly beneath 20Hz which is a frequency any of these amps should be capable enough to reproduce. Few speakers - and none which would be driven by any of these amps - can reach 20Hz in a domestic setting. 20Hz remains the province of very large and very expensive powered subwoofers. If you want the deepest bass, you'll use one of those multi-thousand dollar subs and you'll have a system which doesn't rely at all on the main amp or the main speakers to produce anything beneath about 40 hz. Therefore, I don't understand what your question wants as an answer. If you're looking for purple Honda Civic driving through my neighborhood at 3AM bass, that's not what good home audio is about. Besides, your hearing is very susceptible to outside influences when it comes to bass response. Push a speaker closer to a tri-coner of the room and the bass level leaps forward which - as those designers aiming at that purple Honda owner know - will have you thinking the bass is even deeper than it can be due to what is called the Fletcher Munsdon Effect. Accuracy in the bass regions is a pipe dream for most home audio systems and will cost thousands to achieve in any semblance of reality.

Accuracy is also not an issue with the amp alone, as leo has pointed out. An amp must be used in conjuction with a loudspeaker in order for there to be sound. This conjunction of components makes a circuit and a circuit has specific electrical properties which dictate how it will perform. In this case the circuit created by an amplifier's output devices and the loading of a loudspeaker will be a highly reactive circuit unlike that of, say, a pre amp to power amp. Not much needs to be added to what leo has outlined other than it is generally the province of the amplifier's power supply which dictates how well the output devices can deal with a reactive load. A larger than normal power transformer and a very high storage capacity in the power supply will make for an amplifier with the on paper ability to do well under stressful loads and dynamic music conditions.

Keep in mind "on paper" and "real world" are two completely dissimilar circumstances.

Theoretcially, the ampifier with the lowest output impedance over its full bandwidth would give you the most "accurate" bass response. Good luck finding that spec in any company's literature.

We could, I suppose, fall back on the generic recommendation to select the amp which weighs the most. Nine times out of ten this will give you the amp with the best power supply. That, along with buying the least number of watts per dollar spent, will mean more money has gone into the power supply than just what shows on paper. However, when you restrict your information request to only the deepest bass response, that rule tends to go out the window as you must consider - at the very least - the house sound each amplifier will bring to the party. IMO I wouldn't say any of these amps are well known for their accuracy in the bass regions - but then I'm not a fan of any of the companys' house sound for that matter.

If you held a gun to my head and said I must pick or die, I'd go with the Marantz. The matter of a detachable power cable has little, IMO, to do with anything other than Marantz's ability to market to the fads of aftermarket sales. While cables can and do - in very high quality installation and far less in mediocre ones - exert a tremendous effect on the quality of music reproduction, to select an amp because you can buy more stuff to hang on it is somewhat misguided when there are far larger fish to fry.

My personal advice would be to not worry about what you are apparently concerned with. If you want the deepest, and most accurate bass response, buy that powered sub and then head to your dealer to get a few thousand dollars worth of room treatments. You will not - let me repeat that - YOU WILL NOT achieve anything which in any way resembles deep or accurate bass response in any - let me repeat that - IN ANY domestic room which has not been designed and outfitted from the ground up with only the function of the deepest most accurate bass response as its prime objective. If you are not intending to go the full monty on room treatments, a few thousand dollar investment, nothing else matters. At this point, given your question, you are missing the ocean for the sea gull flying away from you.

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